12 research outputs found

    A lower bound on the acyclic matching number of subcubic graphs

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    The acyclic matching number of a graph GG is the largest size of an acyclic matching in GG, that is, a matching MM in GG such that the subgraph of GG induced by the vertices incident to an edge in MM is a forest. We show that the acyclic matching number of a connected subcubic graph GG with mm edges is at least m/6m/6 except for two small exceptions

    Largest 2-regular subgraphs in 3-regular graphs

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    For a graph GG, let f2(G)f_2(G) denote the largest number of vertices in a 22-regular subgraph of GG. We determine the minimum of f2(G)f_2(G) over 33-regular nn-vertex simple graphs GG. To do this, we prove that every 33-regular multigraph with exactly cc cut-edges has a 22-regular subgraph that omits at most max{0,(c1)/2}\max\{0,\lfloor (c-1)/2\rfloor\} vertices. More generally, every nn-vertex multigraph with maximum degree 33 and mm edges has a 22-regular subgraph that omits at most max{0,(3n2m+c1)/2}\max\{0,\lfloor (3n-2m+c-1)/2\rfloor\} vertices. These bounds are sharp; we describe the extremal multigraphs

    On strongly spanning kk-edge-colorable subgraphs

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    A subgraph HH of a multigraph GG is called strongly spanning, if any vertex of GG is not isolated in HH, while it is called maximum kk-edge-colorable, if HH is proper kk-edge-colorable and has the largest size. We introduce a graph-parameter sp(G)sp(G), that coincides with the smallest kk that a graph GG has a strongly spanning maximum kk-edge-colorable subgraph. Our first result offers some alternative definitions of sp(G)sp(G). Next, we show that Δ(G)\Delta(G) is an upper bound for sp(G)sp(G), and then we characterize the class of graphs GG that satisfy sp(G)=Δ(G)sp(G)=\Delta(G). Finally, we prove some bounds for sp(G)sp(G) that involve well-known graph-theoretic parameters.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Graphs, Disjoint Matchings and Some Inequalities

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    For k1k \geq 1 and a graph GG let νk(G)\nu_k(G) denote the size of a maximum kk-edge-colorable subgraph of GG. Mkrtchyan, Petrosyan and Vardanyan proved that ν2(G)45V(G)\nu_2(G)\geq \frac45\cdot |V(G)|, ν3(G)76V(G)\nu_3(G)\geq \frac76\cdot |V(G)| for any cubic graph GG ~\cite{samvel:2010}. They were also able to show that if GG is a cubic graph, then ν2(G)+ν3(G)2V(G)\nu_2(G)+\nu_3(G)\geq 2\cdot |V(G)| ~\cite{samvel:2014} and ν2(G)V(G)+2ν3(G)4\nu_2(G) \leq \frac{|V(G)| + 2\cdot \nu_3(G)}{4} ~\cite{samvel:2010}. In the first part of the present work, we show that the last two inequalities imply the first two of them. Moreover, we show that ν2(G)αV(G)+2ν3(G)4\nu_2(G) \geq \alpha \cdot \frac{|V(G)| + 2\cdot \nu_3(G)}{4} , where α=1617\alpha=\frac{16}{17}, if GG is a cubic graph, α=2021\alpha=\frac{20}{21}, if GG is a cubic graph containing a perfect matching, α=4445\alpha=\frac{44}{45}, if GG is a bridgeless cubic graph. We also investigate the parameters ν2(G)\nu_2(G) and ν3(G)\nu_3(G) in the class of claw-free cubic graphs. We improve the lower bounds for ν2(G)\nu_2(G) and ν3(G)\nu_3(G) for claw-free bridgeless cubic graphs to ν2(G)3536V(G)\nu_2(G)\geq \frac{35}{36}\cdot |V(G)| (n48n \geq 48), ν3(G)4345E(G)\nu_3(G)\geq \frac{43}{45}\cdot |E(G)|. On the basis of these inequalities we are able to improve the coefficient α\alpha for bridgeless claw-free cubic graphs. In the second part of the work, we prove lower bounds for νk(G)\nu_k(G) in terms of νk1(G)+νk+1(G)2\frac{\nu_{k-1}(G)+\nu_{k+1}(G)}{2} for k2k\geq 2 and graphs GG containing at most 11 cycle. We also present the corresponding conjectures for bipartite and nearly bipartite graphs.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Game matching number of graphs

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    We study a competitive optimization version of α(G)\alpha'(G), the maximum size of a matching in a graph GG. Players alternate adding edges of GG to a matching until it becomes a maximal matching. One player (Max) wants that matching to be large; the other (Min) wants it to be small. The resulting sizes under optimal play when Max or Min starts are denoted \Max(G) and \Min(G), respectively. We show that always |\Max(G)-\Min(G)|\le 1. We obtain a sufficient condition for \Max(G)=\alpha'(G) that is preserved under cartesian product. In general, \Max(G)\ge \frac23\alpha'(G), with equality for many split graphs, while \Max(G)\ge\frac34\alpha'(G) when GG is a forest. Whenever GG is a 3-regular nn-vertex connected graph, \Max(G) \ge n/3, and there are such examples with \Max(G)\le 7n/18. For an nn-vertex path or cycle, the answer is roughly n/7n/7.Comment: 16 pages; this version improves explanations at a number of points and adds a few more example

    Some bounds on the uniquely restricted matching number

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    A matching in a graph is uniquely restricted if no other matching covers exactly the same set of vertices. We establish tight lower bounds on the maximum size of a uniquely restricted matching in terms of order, size, and maximum degree

    Directed Domination in Oriented Graphs

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    A directed dominating set in a directed graph DD is a set SS of vertices of VV such that every vertex uV(D)Su \in V(D) \setminus S has an adjacent vertex vv in SS with vv directed to uu. The directed domination number of DD, denoted by γ(D)\gamma(D), is the minimum cardinality of a directed dominating set in DD. The directed domination number of a graph GG, denoted Γd(G)\Gamma_d(G), which is the maximum directed domination number γ(D)\gamma(D) over all orientations DD of GG. The directed domination number of a complete graph was first studied by Erd\"{o}s [Math. Gaz. 47 (1963), 220--222], albeit in disguised form. We extend this notion to directed domination of all graphs. If α\alpha denotes the independence number of a graph GG, we show that if GG is a bipartite graph, we show that Γd(G)=α\Gamma_d(G) = \alpha. We present several lower and upper bounds on the directed domination number.Comment: 18 page

    Assigning tasks to agents under time conflicts: a parameterized complexity approach

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    We consider the problem of assigning tasks to agents under time conflicts, with applications also to frequency allocations in point-to-point wireless networks. In particular, we are given a set VV of nn agents, a set EE of mm tasks, and kk different time slots. Each task can be carried out in one of the kk predefined time slots, and can be represented by the subset eEe\subseteq E of the involved agents. Since each agent cannot participate to more than one task simultaneously, we must find an allocation that assigns non-overlapping tasks to each time slot. Being the number of slots limited by kk, in general it is not possible to executed all the possible tasks, and our aim is to determine a solution maximizing the overall social welfare, that is the number of executed tasks. We focus on the restriction of this problem in which the number of time slots is fixed to be k=2k=2, and each task is performed by exactly two agents, that is e=2|e|=2. In fact, even under this assumptions, the problem is still challenging, as it remains computationally difficult. We provide parameterized complexity results with respect to several reasonable parameters, showing for the different cases that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable or it is paraNP-hard.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figure

    A tight lower bound on the matching number of graphs via Laplacian eigenvalues

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    Let α\alpha' and μi\mu_i denote the matching number of a non-empty simple graph GG with nn vertices and the ii-th smallest eigenvalue of its Laplacian matrix, respectively. In this paper, we prove a tight lower bound αmin{μ2μn(n1),  12(n1)}.\alpha' \ge \min\left\{\Big\lceil\frac{\mu_2}{\mu_n} (n -1)\Big\rceil,\ \ \Big\lceil\frac{1}{2}(n-1)\Big\rceil \right\}. This bound strengthens the result of Brouwer and Haemers who proved that if nn is even and 2μ2μn2\mu_2 \ge \mu_n, then GG has a perfect matching. A graph GG is factor-critical if for every vertex vV(G)v\in V(G), GvG-v has a perfect matching. We also prove an analogue to the result of Brouwer and Haemers mentioned above by showing that if nn is odd and 2μ2μn2\mu_2 \ge \mu_n, then GG is factor-critical. We use the separation inequality of Haemers to get a useful lemma, which is the key idea in the proofs. This lemma is of its own interest and has other applications. In particular, we prove similar results for the number of balloons, spanning even subgraphs, as well as spanning trees with bounded degree.Comment: The first manuscript was done in May 2020, and the current manuscript was accepted by European Journal of Combinatorics in October 202

    On maximum kk-edge-colorable subgraphs of bipartite graphs

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    If k0k\geq 0, then a kk-edge-coloring of a graph GG is an assignment of colors to edges of GG from the set of kk colors, so that adjacent edges receive different colors. A kk-edge-colorable subgraph of GG is maximum if it is the largest among all kk-edge-colorable subgraphs of GG. For a graph GG and k0k\geq 0, let νk(G)\nu_{k}(G) be the number of edges of a maximum kk-edge-colorable subgraph of GG. In 2010 Mkrtchyan et al. proved that if GG is a cubic graph, then ν2(G)V+2ν3(G)4\nu_2(G)\leq \frac{|V|+2\nu_3(G)}{4}. This result implies that if the cubic graph GG contains a perfect matching, in particular when it is bridgeless, then ν2(G)ν1(G)+ν3(G)2\nu_2(G)\leq \frac{\nu_1(G)+\nu_3(G)}{2}. One may wonder whether there are other interesting graph-classes, where a relation between ν2(G)\nu_2(G) and ν1(G)+ν3(G)2\frac{\nu_1(G)+\nu_3(G)}{2} can be proved. Related with this question, in this paper we show that νk(G)νki(G)+νk+i(G)2\nu_{k}(G) \geq \frac{\nu_{k-i}(G) + \nu_{k+i}(G)}{2} for any bipartite graph GG, k0k\geq 0 and i=0,1,...,ki=0,1,...,k.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur