6,736 research outputs found

    Semi-tied Units for Efficient Gating in LSTM and Highway Networks

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    Gating is a key technique used for integrating information from multiple sources by long short-term memory (LSTM) models and has recently also been applied to other models such as the highway network. Although gating is powerful, it is rather expensive in terms of both computation and storage as each gating unit uses a separate full weight matrix. This issue can be severe since several gates can be used together in e.g. an LSTM cell. This paper proposes a semi-tied unit (STU) approach to solve this efficiency issue, which uses one shared weight matrix to replace those in all the units in the same layer. The approach is termed "semi-tied" since extra parameters are used to separately scale each of the shared output values. These extra scaling factors are associated with the network activation functions and result in the use of parameterised sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent, and rectified linear unit functions. Speech recognition experiments using British English multi-genre broadcast data showed that using STUs can reduce the calculation and storage cost by a factor of three for highway networks and four for LSTMs, while giving similar word error rates to the original models.Comment: To appear in Proc. INTERSPEECH 2018, September 2-6, 2018, Hyderabad, Indi

    Time-Contrastive Learning Based Deep Bottleneck Features for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification

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    There are a number of studies about extraction of bottleneck (BN) features from deep neural networks (DNNs)trained to discriminate speakers, pass-phrases and triphone states for improving the performance of text-dependent speaker verification (TD-SV). However, a moderate success has been achieved. A recent study [1] presented a time contrastive learning (TCL) concept to explore the non-stationarity of brain signals for classification of brain states. Speech signals have similar non-stationarity property, and TCL further has the advantage of having no need for labeled data. We therefore present a TCL based BN feature extraction method. The method uniformly partitions each speech utterance in a training dataset into a predefined number of multi-frame segments. Each segment in an utterance corresponds to one class, and class labels are shared across utterances. DNNs are then trained to discriminate all speech frames among the classes to exploit the temporal structure of speech. In addition, we propose a segment-based unsupervised clustering algorithm to re-assign class labels to the segments. TD-SV experiments were conducted on the RedDots challenge database. The TCL-DNNs were trained using speech data of fixed pass-phrases that were excluded from the TD-SV evaluation set, so the learned features can be considered phrase-independent. We compare the performance of the proposed TCL bottleneck (BN) feature with those of short-time cepstral features and BN features extracted from DNNs discriminating speakers, pass-phrases, speaker+pass-phrase, as well as monophones whose labels and boundaries are generated by three different automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. Experimental results show that the proposed TCL-BN outperforms cepstral features and speaker+pass-phrase discriminant BN features, and its performance is on par with those of ASR derived BN features. Moreover,....Comment: Copyright (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    RWTH ASR Systems for LibriSpeech: Hybrid vs Attention -- w/o Data Augmentation

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    We present state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems employing a standard hybrid DNN/HMM architecture compared to an attention-based encoder-decoder design for the LibriSpeech task. Detailed descriptions of the system development, including model design, pretraining schemes, training schedules, and optimization approaches are provided for both system architectures. Both hybrid DNN/HMM and attention-based systems employ bi-directional LSTMs for acoustic modeling/encoding. For language modeling, we employ both LSTM and Transformer based architectures. All our systems are built using RWTHs open-source toolkits RASR and RETURNN. To the best knowledge of the authors, the results obtained when training on the full LibriSpeech training set, are the best published currently, both for the hybrid DNN/HMM and the attention-based systems. Our single hybrid system even outperforms previous results obtained from combining eight single systems. Our comparison shows that on the LibriSpeech 960h task, the hybrid DNN/HMM system outperforms the attention-based system by 15% relative on the clean and 40% relative on the other test sets in terms of word error rate. Moreover, experiments on a reduced 100h-subset of the LibriSpeech training corpus even show a more pronounced margin between the hybrid DNN/HMM and attention-based architectures.Comment: Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 201