2,167 research outputs found

    Uncovering Droop Control Laws Embedded Within the Nonlinear Dynamics of Van der Pol Oscillators

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    This paper examines the dynamics of power-electronic inverters in islanded microgrids that are controlled to emulate the dynamics of Van der Pol oscillators. The general strategy of controlling inverters to emulate the behavior of nonlinear oscillators presents a compelling time-domain alternative to ubiquitous droop control methods which presume the existence of a quasi-stationary sinusoidal steady state and operate on phasor quantities. We present two main results in this work. First, by leveraging the method of periodic averaging, we demonstrate that droop laws are intrinsically embedded within a slower time scale in the nonlinear dynamics of Van der Pol oscillators. Second, we establish the global convergence of amplitude and phase dynamics in a resistive network interconnecting inverters controlled as Van der Pol oscillators. Furthermore, under a set of non-restrictive decoupling approximations, we derive sufficient conditions for local exponential stability of desirable equilibria of the linearized amplitude and phase dynamics

    Advanced control methods on three-phase inverters in distributed energy resources

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    “This research is an endeavor to apply new and well-established control methodologies to improve transient response, stability and reliability of three-phase inverters in grid-connected and isolated mode of operation. In the course of studying the effect of these methodologies, model-based control is introduced and is extensively applied which is relatively a new approach. In addition, the application of this concept has been studied on developing “grid-forming” controls to allow wind and solar inverters to support voltage and frequency levels like traditional generators. This research encloses the details of three major works of this research and their possible contributions on improving the performance of three-phase inverters in gridconnected and isolated mode of operation. The first one employs the concept of adaptive control using multiple models and a hierarchical control approach to smoothly switch between isolated and grid-connected modes of operation. In the second work, the features of the first research work have been applied and more nourished to control a grid-forming unit. The interactions of this grid-supporting converter with a grid- forming unit is the main subject of discussion in this work. The last work applies the concept of internal-model control to introduce a new control methodology in power-synchronization method. This approach has tackled the non-minimum phase issue attributed to power-synchronization methodology and offers a robust solution. Furthermore, in this research, detailed stability analysis of all the proposed control structures have been presented. Along with all simulation verification, FPGA-Based Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) has been utilized to verify the performance of the discrete control structure. The details of plant modeling, controller design, HIL and experimental results are presented for all of the proposed schemes in each section”--Abstract, page iv

    Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Microgrid in Island and Grid Connected Modes with a Fuel Cell Power Source

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    The ability to connect a microgrid to the grid is an important step in the development and evolution of the modern power system. The principle objectives of this research are (1) to simulate a simple microgrid consisting of a PEM hydrogen fuel cell, load and connection to the grid and (2) to evaluate the resulting microgrid control system on a corresponding experimental microgrid. The microgrid simulation demonstrated that the control algorithms can operate the microgrid in both islanded (VSC with voltage and frequency regulation) and grid connected (VSC with current control for power transfer). The experimental laboratory microgrid was constructed and operated in real-time performing its black start and managed transitions between island and grid connected modes of operation. The synchronization method adjusted the island microgrid to become in phase with the grid and tracked well under steady state and load changing conditions. The synchronization process brought the island in phase with the grid within 400 ms. Passive island detection was demonstrated with the restoration to grid operation. The grid connected voltage and current THD were under 1%

    Smart control architecture for microgrid application

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    This research proposes non-linear control architectures dedicated towards improving transient response, reliability and computational burden for grid connected inverters applicable for ac micro-grids. Also this work proposes an optimization procedure applied to a small microgrid to reduce the billing cost for power incorporating battery degradation mechanism. Three works are discussed in this research that discusses methodologies to improve the operation of a three phase grid connected inverters. The first work discusses a globally stable estimation architecture for estimating the plant parameters for a grid connected inverter during its operation. Then a Lyapunov based control architecture is utilized and online parameter update scheme is used to optimize the controller performance. The second work discusses a Lyapunov based control architecture during a contingency that the grid voltage sensor fails. In this work an internal model based grid voltage estimation architecture has been proposed which successfully estimates the grid voltage and controls the grid current. The last work shows a methodology to optimally utilize a battery in a microgrid based on Markov Decision Process. Dynamic algorithm is used to solve the problem so that the cost is minimized at the end of the day. Furthermore, in this research detailed stability analysis of the first two works along with the controller design has been presented. Also in this work, battery degradation is modelled empirically and the overall cost function is obtained for the optimization of billing cost for a small microgrid. Detailed plant modeling, controller design, simulation and experimental results are presented for all of the proposed schemes --Abstract, page iv

    Digital Controlled Multi-phase Buck Converter with Accurate Voltage and Current Control

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    abstract: A 4-phase, quasi-current-mode hysteretic buck converter with digital frequency synchronization, online comparator offset-calibration and digital current sharing control is presented. The switching frequency of the hysteretic converter is digitally synchronized to the input clock reference with less than ±1.5% error in the switching frequency range of 3-9.5MHz. The online offset calibration cancels the input-referred offset of the hysteretic comparator and enables ±1.1% voltage regulation accuracy. Maximum current-sharing error of ±3.6% is achieved by a duty-cycle-calibrated delay line based PWM generator, without affecting the phase synchronization timing sequence. In light load conditions, individual converter phases can be disabled, and the final stage power converter output stage is segmented for high efficiency. The DC-DC converter achieves 93% peak efficiency for Vi = 2V and Vo = 1.6V.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Cooperative Strategies for Management of Power Quality Problems in Voltage-Source Converter-based Microgrids

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    The development of cooperative control strategies for microgrids has become an area of increasing research interest in recent years, often a result of advances in other areas of control theory such as multi-agent systems and enabled by emerging wireless communications technology, machine learning techniques, and power electronics. While some possible applications of the cooperative control theory to microgrids have been described in the research literature, a comprehensive survey of this approach with respect to its limitations and wide-ranging potential applications has not yet been provided. In this regard, an important area of research into microgrids is developing intelligent cooperative operating strategies within and between microgrids which implement and allocate tasks at the local level, and do not rely on centralized command and control structures. Multi-agent techniques are one focus of this research, but have not been applied to the full range of power quality problems in microgrids. The ability for microgrid control systems to manage harmonics, unbalance, flicker, and black start capability are some examples of applications yet to be fully exploited. During islanded operation, the normal buffer against disturbances and power imbalances provided by the main grid coupling is removed, this together with the reduced inertia of the microgrid (MG), makes power quality (PQ) management a critical control function. This research will investigate new cooperative control techniques for solving power quality problems in voltage source converter (VSC)-based AC microgrids. A set of specific power quality problems have been selected for the application focus, based on a survey of relevant published literature, international standards, and electricity utility regulations. The control problems which will be addressed are voltage regulation, unbalance load sharing, and flicker mitigation. The thesis introduces novel approaches based on multi-agent consensus problems and differential games. It was decided to exclude the management of harmonics, which is a more challenging issue, and is the focus of future research. Rather than using model-based engineering design for optimization of controller parameters, the thesis describes a novel technique for controller synthesis using off-policy reinforcement learning. The thesis also addresses the topic of communication and control system co-design. In this regard, stability of secondary voltage control considering communication time-delays will be addressed, while a performance-oriented approach to rate allocation using a novel solution method is described based on convex optimization

    Communication‐less Synchronous Rectification for In Motion Wireless Charging

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    This thesis puts forward a control scheme to allow for synchronous rectification for dynamic wireless power transfer. The automotive industry is transitioning away from internal combustion engines (ICEs) and towards electric vehicles (EVs). This transition is spurred by the environmental and economic benefits EVs offer over ICEs. However, further improvements can still be made to how electric vehicles operate. One of these improvements is the technology of in motion wireless charging or dynamic wireless power transfer. In motion wireless charging offers the ability to remove existing range anxiety concerns for EVs. It also offers the potential for a reduction in battery sizes for EVs, which are the primary cost of EVs, this in turn decreases the total costs of mass EV adoption. Traditional implementations of in motion wireless charging utilize passive rectification to simplify controls between embedded primary pads and the vehicle. However, this solution while effective, limits the potential benefits of wireless charging. The use of synchronous or active rectification techniques, offer improved performance, control techniques, and bidirectional capabilities. However, the reason synchronous rectification is not already used in in motion charging is the complexity of synchronization over wireless communication. To move past this challenge, this thesis investigates a synchronization scheme that can be achieved without communication by taking advantage of induced free resonant currents in the vehicle’s tuning network to synchronize the switching transitions to receive power. In this thesis a traditional in motion wireless charging system utilizing passive rectification is designed and built as a benchmark for dynamic charging. Simulations of this control scheme are presented. Practical considerations are addressed for hardware realization. Finally, the control approach is validated through hardware in static and dynamic applications

    Energy Shaping Control for Stabilization of Interconnected Voltage Source Converters in Weakly-Connected AC Microgrid Systems

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    With the ubiquitous installations of renewable energy resources such as solar and wind, for decentralized power applications across the United States, microgrids are being viewed as an avenue for achieving this goal. Various independent system operators and regional transmission operators such as Southwest Power Pool (SPP), Midcontinent System Operator (MISO), PJM Interconnection and Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manage the transmission and generation systems that host the distributed energy resources (DERs). Voltage source converters typically interconnect the DERs to the utility system and used in High voltage dc (HVDC) systems for transmitting power throughout the United States. A microgrid configuration is built at the 13.8kV 4.75MVA National Center for Reliable Energy Transmission (NCREPT) testing facility for performing grid-connected and islanded operation of interconnected voltage source converters. The interconnected voltage source converters consist of a variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) drive, which powers a regenerative (REGEN) load bench acting as a distributed energy resource emulator. Due to the weak-grid interface in islanded mode testing, a voltage instability occurs on the VVVF dc link voltage causing the system to collapse. This dissertation presents a new stability theorem for stabilizing interconnected voltage source converters in microgrid systems with weak-grid interfaces. The new stability theorem is derived using the concepts of Dirac composition in Port-Hamiltonian systems, passivity in physical systems, eigenvalue analysis and robust analysis based on the edge theorem for parametric uncertainty. The novel stability theorem aims to prove that all members of the classes of voltage source converter-based microgrid systems can be stabilized using an energy-shaping control methodology. The proposed theorems and stability analysis justifies the development of the Modified Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (Modified IDA-PBC) method to be utilized in stabilizing the microgrid configuration at NCREPT for mitigating system instabilities. The system is simulated in MATLAB/SimulinkTM using the Simpower toolbox to observe the system’s performance of the designed controller in comparison to the decoupled proportional intergral controller. The simulation results verify that the Modified-IDA-PBC is a viable option for dc bus voltage control of interconnected voltage source converters in microgrid systems

    Design of Power Receiving Units for 6.78MHz Wireless Power Transfer Systems

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    In the last decade, the wireless power transfer (WPT) technology has been a popular topic in power electronics research and increasingly adopted by consumers. The AirFuel WPT standard utilizes resonant coils to transfer energy at 6.78 MHz, introducing many benefits such as longer charging distance, multi-device charging, and high tolerance of the coil misalignment. However, variations in coil coupling due to the change in receiving coil positions alter the equivalent load reactance, degrading efficiency. In recent studies, active full-bridge rectifiers are employed on WPT receivers because of their superior efficiency, controllability, and ability to compensate for detuned WPT networks. In order to take advantage of those characteristics, the rectifier switching actions must be synchronized with the magnetic field. In the literature, existing solutions for synchronizing the active rectifier in WPT systems are mostly not reliable and bulky, which is not suitable for small receivers. Therefore, a frequency synchronous rectifier with compact on-board control is proposed in this thesis. The rectifier power stage is designed to deliver 40 W to the load while achieving full zero-voltage switching to minimize the loss. The inherent feedback from the power stage dynamics to the sensed signal is analyzed to design stable and robust synchronization control, even at a low power of 0.02 W. The control system is accomplished using commercial components, including a low-cost microcontroller, which eliminates the need for bulky control and external sensing hardware. This high power density design allows the receiver to be integrated into daily consumer electronics such as laptops and monitors. Finally, a wide-range and high v resolution control scheme of the rectifier input phase is proposed to enable the dynamic impedance matching capability, maintaining high system efficiency over wide loading conditions. In addition, to increase the WPT technology adoption to low-power consumer electronics, a small wireless receiver replacing conventional AA batteries is developed. This receiver can supply power to existing AA battery-powered devices while providing the benefit of WPT technologies to consumers
