32 research outputs found

    Estrada index of hypergraphs via eigenvalues of tensors

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    A uniform hypergraph H\mathcal{H} is corresponding to an adjacency tensor AH\mathcal{A}_\mathcal{H}. We define an Estrada index of H\mathcal{H} by using all the eigenvalues λ1,…,λk\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_k of AH\mathcal{A}_\mathcal{H} as ∑i=1keλi\sum_{i=1}^k e^{\lambda_i}. The bounds for the Estrada indices of uniform hypergraphs are given. And we characterize the Estrada indices of mm-uniform hypergraphs whose spectra of the adjacency tensors are mm-symmetric. Specially, we characterize the Estrada indices of uniform hyperstars

    Fast Parallel Tensor Times Same Vector for Hypergraphs

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    Hypergraphs are a popular paradigm to represent complex real-world networks exhibiting multi-way relationships of varying sizes. Mining centrality in hypergraphs via symmetric adjacency tensors has only recently become computationally feasible for large and complex datasets. To enable scalable computation of these and related hypergraph analytics, here we focus on the Sparse Symmetric Tensor Times Same Vector (S3^3TTVc) operation. We introduce the Compound Compressed Sparse Symmetric (CCSS) format, an extension of the compact CSS format for hypergraphs of varying hyperedge sizes and present a shared-memory parallel algorithm to compute S3^3TTVc. We experimentally show S3^3TTVc computation using the CCSS format achieves better performance than the naive baseline, and is subsequently more performant for hypergraph HH-eigenvector centrality

    HPRA: Hyperedge Prediction using Resource Allocation

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    Many real-world systems involve higher-order interactions and thus demand complex models such as hypergraphs. For instance, a research article could have multiple collaborating authors, and therefore the co-authorship network is best represented as a hypergraph. In this work, we focus on the problem of hyperedge prediction. This problem has immense applications in multiple domains, such as predicting new collaborations in social networks, discovering new chemical reactions in metabolic networks, etc. Despite having significant importance, the problem of hyperedge prediction hasn't received adequate attention, mainly because of its inherent complexity. In a graph with nn nodes the number of potential edges is O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^{2}), whereas in a hypergraph, the number of potential hyperedges is O(2n)\mathcal{O}(2^{n}). To avoid searching through such a huge space, current methods restrain the original problem in the following two ways. One class of algorithms assume the hypergraphs to be kk-uniform. However, many real-world systems are not confined only to have interactions involving kk components. Thus, these algorithms are not suitable for many real-world applications. The second class of algorithms requires a candidate set of hyperedges from which the potential hyperedges are chosen. In the absence of domain knowledge, the candidate set can have O(2n)\mathcal{O}(2^{n}) possible hyperedges, which makes this problem intractable. We propose HPRA - Hyperedge Prediction using Resource Allocation, the first of its kind algorithm, which overcomes these issues and predicts hyperedges of any cardinality without using any candidate hyperedge set. HPRA is a similarity-based method working on the principles of the resource allocation process. In addition to recovering missing hyperedges, we demonstrate that HPRA can predict future hyperedges in a wide range of hypergraphs.Comment: Accepted at WebSci'2

    Detecting informative higher-order interactions in statistically validated hypergraphs

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    Recent empirical evidence has shown that in many real-world systems, successfully represented as networks, interactions are not limited to dyads, but often involve three or more agents at a time. These data are better described by hypergraphs, where hyperlinks encode higher-order interactions among a group of nodes. In spite of the extensive literature on networks, detecting informative hyperlinks in real world hypergraphs is still an open problem. Here we propose an analytic approach to filter hypergraphs by identifying those hyperlinks that are over-expressed with respect to a random null hypothesis, and represent the most relevant higher-order connections. We apply our method to a class of synthetic benchmarks and to several datasets, showing that the method highlights hyperlinks that are more informative than those extracted with pairwise approaches. Our method provides a first way, to the best of our knowledge, to obtain statistically validated hypergraphs, separating informative connections from noisy ones

    Vector Centrality in Hypergraphs

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    Identifying the most influential nodes in networked systems is of vital importance to optimize their function and control. Several scalar metrics have been proposed to that effect, but the recent shift in focus towards network structures which go beyond a simple collection of dyadic interactions has rendered them void of performance guarantees. We here introduce a new measure of node's centrality, which is no longer a scalar value, but a vector with dimension one lower than the highest order of interaction in a hypergraph. Such a vectorial measure is linked to the eigenvector centrality for networks containing only dyadic interactions, but it has a significant added value in all other situations where interactions occur at higher-orders. In particular, it is able to unveil different roles which may be played by the same node at different orders of interactions -- information that is otherwise impossible to retrieve by single scalar measures. We demonstrate the efficacy of our measure with applications to synthetic networks and to three real world hypergraphs, and compare our results with those obtained by applying other scalar measures of centrality proposed in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Core-periphery detection in hypergraphs

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    Core-periphery detection is a key task in exploratory network analysis where one aims to find a core, a set of nodes well-connected internally and with the periphery, and a periphery, a set of nodes connected only (or mostly) with the core. In this work we propose a model of core-periphery for higher-order networks modeled as hypergraphs and we propose a method for computing a core-score vector that quantifies how close each node is to the core. In particular, we show that this method solves the corresponding non-convex core-periphery optimization problem globally to an arbitrary precision. This method turns out to coincide with the computation of the Perron eigenvector of a nonlinear hypergraph operator, suitably defined in term of the incidence matrix of the hypergraph, generalizing recently proposed centrality models for hypergraphs. We perform several experiments on synthetic and real-world hypergraphs showing that the proposed method outperforms alternative core-periphery detection algorithms, in particular those obtained by transferring established graph methods to the hypergraph setting via clique expansion

    Accelerating the Computation of Tensor ZZ-eigenvalues

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    Efficient solvers for tensor eigenvalue problems are important tools for the analysis of higher-order data sets. Here we introduce, analyze and demonstrate an extrapolation method to accelerate the widely used shifted symmetric higher order power method for tensor ZZ-eigenvalue problems. We analyze the asymptotic convergence of the method, determining the range of extrapolation parameters that induce acceleration, as well as the parameter that gives the optimal convergence rate. We then introduce an automated method to dynamically approximate the optimal parameter, and demonstrate it's efficiency when the base iteration is run with either static or adaptively set shifts. Our numerical results on both even and odd order tensors demonstrate the theory and show we achieve our theoretically predicted acceleration.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 4 table