24,949 research outputs found

    Translation Alignment and Extraction Within a Lexica-Centered Iterative Workflow

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    This thesis addresses two closely related problems. The first, translation alignment, consists of identifying bilingual document pairs that are translations of each other within multilingual document collections (document alignment); identifying sentences, titles, etc, that are translations of each other within bilingual document pairs (sentence alignment); and identifying corresponding word and phrase translations within bilingual sentence pairs (phrase alignment). The second is extraction of bilingual pairs of equivalent word and multi-word expressions, which we call translation equivalents (TEs), from sentence- and phrase-aligned parallel corpora. While these same problems have been investigated by other authors, their focus has been on fully unsupervised methods based mostly or exclusively on parallel corpora. Bilingual lexica, which are basically lists of TEs, have not been considered or given enough importance as resources in the treatment of these problems. Human validation of TEs, which consists of manually classifying TEs as correct or incorrect translations, has also not been considered in the context of alignment and extraction. Validation strengthens the importance of infrequent TEs (most of the entries of a validated lexicon) that otherwise would be statistically unimportant. The main goal of this thesis is to revisit the alignment and extraction problems in the context of a lexica-centered iterative workflow that includes human validation. Therefore, the methods proposed in this thesis were designed to take advantage of knowledge accumulated in human-validated bilingual lexica and translation tables obtained by unsupervised methods. Phrase-level alignment is a stepping stone for several applications, including the extraction of new TEs, the creation of statistical machine translation systems, and the creation of bilingual concordances. Therefore, for phrase-level alignment, the higher accuracy of human-validated bilingual lexica is crucial for achieving higher quality results in these downstream applications. There are two main conceptual contributions. The first is the coverage maximization approach to alignment, which makes direct use of the information contained in a lexicon, or in translation tables when this is small or does not exist. The second is the introduction of translation patterns which combine novel and old ideas and enables precise and productive extraction of TEs. As material contributions, the alignment and extraction methods proposed in this thesis have produced source materials for three lines of research, in the context of three PhD theses (two of them already defended), all sharing with me the supervision of my advisor. The topics of these lines of research are statistical machine translation, algorithms and data structures for indexing and querying phrase-aligned parallel corpora, and bilingual lexica classification and generation. Four publications have resulted directly from the work presented in this thesis and twelve from the collaborative lines of research

    A memory-based classification approach to marker-based EBMT

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    We describe a novel approach to example-based machine translation that makes use of marker-based chunks, in which the decoder is a memory-based classifier. The classifier is trained to map trigrams of source-language chunks onto trigrams of target-language chunks; then, in a second decoding step, the predicted trigrams are rearranged according to their overlap. We present the first results of this method on a Dutch-to-English translation system using Europarl data. Sparseness of the class space causes the results to lag behind a baseline phrase-based SMT system. In a further comparison, we also apply the method to a word-aligned version of the same data, and report a smaller difference with a word-based SMT system. We explore the scaling abilities of the memory-based approach, and observe linear scaling behavior in training and classification speed and memory costs, and loglinear BLEU improvements in the amount of training examples

    Introduction to the special issue on cross-language algorithms and applications

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    With the increasingly global nature of our everyday interactions, the need for multilingual technologies to support efficient and efective information access and communication cannot be overemphasized. Computational modeling of language has been the focus of Natural Language Processing, a subdiscipline of Artificial Intelligence. One of the current challenges for this discipline is to design methodologies and algorithms that are cross-language in order to create multilingual technologies rapidly. The goal of this JAIR special issue on Cross-Language Algorithms and Applications (CLAA) is to present leading research in this area, with emphasis on developing unifying themes that could lead to the development of the science of multi- and cross-lingualism. In this introduction, we provide the reader with the motivation for this special issue and summarize the contributions of the papers that have been included. The selected papers cover a broad range of cross-lingual technologies including machine translation, domain and language adaptation for sentiment analysis, cross-language lexical resources, dependency parsing, information retrieval and knowledge representation. We anticipate that this special issue will serve as an invaluable resource for researchers interested in topics of cross-lingual natural language processing.Postprint (published version

    UGENT-LT3 SCATE Submission for WMT16 Shared Task on Quality Estimation

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    This paper describes the submission of the UGENT-LT3 SCATE system to the WMT16 Shared Task on Quality Estimation (QE), viz. English-German word and sentence-level QE. Based on the observation that the data set is homogeneous (all sentences belong to the IT domain), we performed bilingual terminology extraction and added features derived from the resulting term list to the well-performing features of the word-level QE task of last year. For sentence-level QE, we analyzed the importance of the features and based on those insights extended the feature set of last year. We also experimented with different learning methods and ensembles. We present our observations from the different experiments we conducted and our submissions for both tasks

    Bayesian reordering model with feature selection

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    In phrase-based statistical machine translation systems, variation in grammatical structures between source and target languages can cause large movements of phrases. Modeling such movements is crucial in achieving translations of long sentences that appear natural in the target language. We explore generative learning approach to phrase reordering in Arabic to English. Formulating the reordering problem as a classification problem and using naive Bayes with feature selection, we achieve an improvement in the BLEU score over a lexicalized reordering model. The proposed model is compact, fast and scalable to a large corpus

    Induction of Word and Phrase Alignments for Automatic Document Summarization

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    Current research in automatic single document summarization is dominated by two effective, yet naive approaches: summarization by sentence extraction, and headline generation via bag-of-words models. While successful in some tasks, neither of these models is able to adequately capture the large set of linguistic devices utilized by humans when they produce summaries. One possible explanation for the widespread use of these models is that good techniques have been developed to extract appropriate training data for them from existing document/abstract and document/headline corpora. We believe that future progress in automatic summarization will be driven both by the development of more sophisticated, linguistically informed models, as well as a more effective leveraging of document/abstract corpora. In order to open the doors to simultaneously achieving both of these goals, we have developed techniques for automatically producing word-to-word and phrase-to-phrase alignments between documents and their human-written abstracts. These alignments make explicit the correspondences that exist in such document/abstract pairs, and create a potentially rich data source from which complex summarization algorithms may learn. This paper describes experiments we have carried out to analyze the ability of humans to perform such alignments, and based on these analyses, we describe experiments for creating them automatically. Our model for the alignment task is based on an extension of the standard hidden Markov model, and learns to create alignments in a completely unsupervised fashion. We describe our model in detail and present experimental results that show that our model is able to learn to reliably identify word- and phrase-level alignments in a corpus of pairs

    Robust Tuning Datasets for Statistical Machine Translation

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    We explore the idea of automatically crafting a tuning dataset for Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) that makes the hyper-parameters of the SMT system more robust with respect to some specific deficiencies of the parameter tuning algorithms. This is an under-explored research direction, which can allow better parameter tuning. In this paper, we achieve this goal by selecting a subset of the available sentence pairs, which are more suitable for specific combinations of optimizers, objective functions, and evaluation measures. We demonstrate the potential of the idea with the pairwise ranking optimization (PRO) optimizer, which is known to yield too short translations. We show that the learning problem can be alleviated by tuning on a subset of the development set, selected based on sentence length. In particular, using the longest 50% of the tuning sentences, we achieve two-fold tuning speedup, and improvements in BLEU score that rival those of alternatives, which fix BLEU+1's smoothing instead.Comment: RANLP-201

    Exploiting source similarity for SMT using context-informed features

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    In this paper, we introduce context informed features in a log-linear phrase-based SMT framework; these features enable us to exploit source similarity in addition to target similarity modeled by the language model. We present a memory-based classification framework that enables the estimation of these features while avoiding sparseness problems. We evaluate the performance of our approach on Italian-to-English and Chinese-to-English translation tasks using a state-of-the-art phrase-based SMT system, and report significant improvements for both BLEU and NIST scores when adding the context-informed features