6 research outputs found

    Automatic Linearizability Proofs of Concurrent Objects with Cooperating Updates

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    An execution containing operations performing queries or updating a concurrent object is linearizable w.r.t an abstract implementation (called specification) iff for each operation, one can associate a point in time, called linearization point, such that the execution of the operations in the order of their linearization points can be reproduced by the specification. Finding linearization points is particularly difficult when they do not belong to the operations’s actions. This paper addresses this challenge by introducing a new technique for rewriting the implementation of the concurrent object and its specification such that the new implementation preserves all executions of the original one, and its linearizability (w.r.t. the new specification) implies the linearizability of the original implementation (w.r.t. the original specification). The rewriting introduces additional combined methods to obtain a library with a simpler linearizability proof, i.e., a library whose operations contain their linearization points. We have implemented this technique in a prototype, which has been successfully applied to examples beyond the reach of current techniques, e.g., Stack Elimination and Fetch&Add

    Verifying atomicity via data independence

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    We present a technique for automatically verifying atomicity of composed concurrent operations. The main observation behind our approach is that many composed concurrent operations which oc-cur in practice are data-independent. That is, the control-flow of the composed operation does not depend on specific input values. While verifying data-independence is undecidable in the general case, we provide succint sufficient conditions that can be used to establish a composed operation as data-independent. We show that for the common case of concurrent maps, data-independence re-duces the hard problem of verifying linearizability to a verification problem that can be solved efficiently with a bounded number of keys and values. We implemented our approach in a tool called VINE and evalu-ated it on all composed operations from 57 real-world applications (112 composed operations). We show that many composed opera-tions (49 out of 112) are data-independent, and automatically verify 30 of them as linearizable and the rest 19 as having violations of linearizability that could be repaired and then subsequently auto-matically verified. Moreover, we show that the remaining 63 oper-ations are not linearizable, thus indicating that data independence does not limit the expressiveness of writing realistic linearizable composed operations. Categories and Subject Descriptors

    Thread Quantification for Concurrent Shape Analysis

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    Abstract. We present new algorithms for automatically verifying properties of programs with an unbounded number of threads. Our algorithms are based on a new abstract domain whose elements represent thread-quantified invariants: i.e., invariants satified by all threads. We exploit existing abstractions to represent the invariants. Thus, our technique lifts existing abstractions by wrapping universal quantification around elements of the base abstract domain. Such abstractions are effective because they are thread-modular: e.g., they can capture correlations between the local variables of the same thread as well as correlations between the local variables of a thread and global variables, but forget correlations between the states of distinct threads. (The exact nature of the abstraction, of course, depends on the base abstraction lifted in this style.) We present techniques for computing sound transformers for the new abstraction by using transformers of the base abstract domain. We illustrate our technique in this paper by instantiating it to the Boolean Heap abstraction, producing a Quantified Boolean Heap abstraction. We have implemented an instantiation of our technique with Canonical Abstraction as the base abstraction and used it to successfully verify linearizability of data-structures in the presence of an unbounded number of threads.