625 research outputs found

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.

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    Pyrimidinylsalicylic Based Herbicides: Modeling and Prediction

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    A Review on Progress in QSPR Studies for Surfactants

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    This paper presents a review on recent progress in quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) studies of surfactants and applications of various molecular descriptors. QSPR studies on critical micelle concentration (cmc) and surface tension (γ) of surfactants are introduced. Studies on charge distribution in ionic surfactants by quantum chemical calculations and its effects on the structures and properties of the colloids of surfactants are also reviewed. The trends of QSPR studies on cloud point (for nonionic surfactants), biodegradation potential and some other properties of surfactants are evaluated

    Development of a QSPR model for predicting thermal stabilities of nitroaromatic compounds taking into account their decomposition mechanisms

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    International audienceThe molecular structures of 77 nitroaromatic compounds have been correlated to their thermal stabilities by combining the quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) method with density functional theory (DFT). More than 300 descriptors (constitutional, topological, geometrical and quantum chemical) have been calculated, and multilinear regressions have been performed to find accurate quantitative relationships with experimental heats of decomposition (deltaH). In particular, this work demonstrates the importance of accounting for chemical mechanisms during the selection of an adequate experimental data set. A reliable QSPR model that presents a strong correlation with experimental data for both the training and the validation molecular sets (R 2 = 0.90 and 0.84, respectively) was developed for non-ortho-substituted nitroaromatic compounds. Moreover, its applicability domain was determined, and the model's predictivity reached 0.86 within this applicability domain. To our knowledge, this work has produced the first QSPR model, developed according to the OECD principles of regulatory acceptability, for predicting the thermal stabilities of energetic compounds

    Environmental, health and safety assessment of phase-change solvents for post combustion CO2 capture

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    A novel class of solvents exhibiting liquid-liquid phase separation upon reaction with CO2 and/or change in temperature, promises significant reduction of energy requirement of the post combustion capture by chemical absorption. However, proceeding to a large-scale application of novel materials requires holistic evaluation of the aspects related to human health, safety, and environmental impacts currently missing for phase-change solvent alternatives. The current work addresses the gap by performing such an evaluation by help of combined life cycle (LCA) and environmental, health and safety hazard (EHS) assessment. The evaluation is done at the substance level, during the process of design and selection of the solvent alternatives by computer-aided molecular design (CAMD), and the process level, estimating the impact of the capture system deploying phase-change solvents. The integration of the LCA and EHS impact criteria into the solvent design procedure leads to identification of a much wider set of optimal solvent structures compared to having only thermodynamic properties as objective functions in CAMD. The search enriched the Pareto fronts with the -OH group containing structures beneficial in terms of their lower impact. On one hand, such molecules are highly soluble in water, thus they might not be the best option from the phase-change perspective. On the other hand, there are OH-containing amines proven to exhibit liquid-liquid separation, which have so far received considerably less attention and might require further investigation.The process level assessment showed that phase-change solvent systems have a potential to be a better alternative to the conventional amine solvent systems due to the reduced reboiler duty and possible lower impact on the environment. Less mobile solvents might be preferable with respect to human safety. With respect to long-term impacts, the process design of the capture systems with the phase-change solvents might promote accumulation of carcinogenic nitrosamines, thus their concentration should be monitored. The life cycle impact was mostly defined by the steam requirement for solvent regeneration and electricity demand for cooling media delivery. The use of renewable electricity and industrial waste heat can decrease the LCA impact of the phase-change capture plant by 70-90%. Then, the remaining impact will be dominated by the degradation behaviour of the solvent molecules, which emphasizes the benefit of the solvents displaying low degradation rates and highlights the importance of experimental studies addressing the degradation behaviour of the solvents

    Predicting Skin Permeability by means of Computational Approaches : Reliability and Caveats in Pharmaceutical Studies

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    © 2019 American Chemical Society.The skin is the main barrier between the internal body environment and the external one. The characteristics of this barrier and its properties are able to modify and affect drug delivery and chemical toxicity parameters. Therefore, it is not surprising that permeability of many different compounds has been measured through several in vitro and in vivo techniques. Moreover, many different in silico approaches have been used to identify the correlation between the structure of the permeants and their permeability, to reproduce the skin behavior, and to predict the ability of specific chemicals to permeate this barrier. A significant number of issues, like interlaboratory variability, experimental conditions, data set building rationales, and skin site of origin and hydration, still prevent us from obtaining a definitive predictive skin permeability model. This review wants to show the main advances and the principal approaches in computational methods used to predict this property, to enlighten the main issues that have arisen, and to address the challenges to develop in future research.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    The experimental determination of reliable biodegradation rates for mono-aromatics towards evaluating QSBR models

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    Quantitative Structure Biodegradation Relationships (QSBRs) are a tool to predict the biodegradability of chemicals. The objective of this work was to generate reliable biodegradation data for mono-aromatic chemicals in order to evaluate and verify previously developed QSBRs models. A robust biodegradation test method was developed to estimate specific substrate utilization rates, which were used as a proxy for biodegradation rates of chemicals in pure culture. Five representative mono-aromatic chemicals were selected that spanned a wide range of biodegradability. Aerobic biodegradation experiments were performed for each chemical in batch reactors seeded with known degraders. Chemical removal, degrader growth and CO2 production were monitored over time. Experimental data were interpreted using a full carbon mass balance model, and Monod kinetic parameters (Y, Ks, qmax and μmax) for each chemical were determined. In addition, stoichiometric equations for aerobic mineralization of the test chemicals were developed. The theoretically estimated biomass and CO2 yields were similar to those experimentally observed; 35 (s.d ± 8) of the recovered substrate carbon was converted to biomass, and 65 (s.d ± 8) was mineralised to CO2. Significant correlations were observed between the experimentally determined specific substrate utilization rates, as represented by qmax and qmax/Ks, at high and low substrate concentrations, respectively, and the first order biodegradation rate constants predicted by a previous QSBR study. Similarly, the correlation between qmax and selected molecular descriptors characterizing the chemicals structure in a previous QSBR study was also significant. These results suggest that QSBR models can be reliable and robust in prioritising chemical half-lives for regulatory screening purposes

    A quantitative structure-biodegradation relationship (QSBR) approach to predict biodegradation rates of aromatic chemicals

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    The objective of this work was to develop a QSBR model for the prioritization of organic pollutants based on biodegradation rates from a database containing globally harmonized biodegradation tests using relevant molecular descriptors. To do this, we first categorized the chemicals into three groups (Group 1: simple aromatic chemicals with a single ring, Group 2: aromatic chemicals with multiple rings and Group3: Group 1 plus Group 2) based on molecular descriptors, estimated the first order biodegradation rate of the chemicals using rating values derived from the BIOWIN3 model, and finally developed, validated and defined the applicability domain of models for each group using a multiple linear regression approach. All the developed QSBR models complied with OECD principles for QSAR validation. The biodegradation rate in the models for the two groups (Group 2 and 3 chemicals) are associated with abstract molecular descriptors that provide little relevant practical information towards understanding the relationship between chemical structure and biodegradation rates. However, molecular descriptors associated with the QSBR model for Group 1 chemicals (R2 = 0.89, Q2loo = 0.87) provided information on properties that can readily be scrutinised and interpreted in relation to biodegradation processes. In combination, these results lead to the conclusion that QSBRs can be an alternative tool to estimate the persistence of chemicals, some of which can provide further insights into those factors affecting biodegradation