277 research outputs found

    High Order Asymptotic Preserving DG-IMEX Schemes for Discrete-Velocity Kinetic Equations in a Diffusive Scaling

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    In this paper, we develop a family of high order asymptotic preserving schemes for some discrete-velocity kinetic equations under a diffusive scaling, that in the asymptotic limit lead to macroscopic models such as the heat equation, the porous media equation, the advection-diffusion equation, and the viscous Burgers equation. Our approach is based on the micro-macro reformulation of the kinetic equation which involves a natural decomposition of the equation to the equilibrium and non-equilibrium parts. To achieve high order accuracy and uniform stability as well as to capture the correct asymptotic limit, two new ingredients are employed in the proposed methods: discontinuous Galerkin spatial discretization of arbitrary order of accuracy with suitable numerical fluxes; high order globally stiffly accurate implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta scheme in time equipped with a properly chosen implicit-explicit strategy. Formal asymptotic analysis shows that the proposed scheme in the limit of epsilon -> 0 is an explicit, consistent and high order discretization for the limiting equation. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the stability and high order accuracy of the proposed schemes together with their performance in the limit

    Analysis of a space--time hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the advection--diffusion problem on time-dependent domains

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    This paper presents the first analysis of a space--time hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for the advection--diffusion problem on time-dependent domains. The analysis is based on non-standard local trace and inverse inequalities that are anisotropic in the spatial and time steps. We prove well-posedness of the discrete problem and provide a priori error estimates in a mesh-dependent norm. Convergence theory is validated by a numerical example solving the advection--diffusion problem on a time-dependent domain for approximations of various polynomial degree
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