2 research outputs found

    Theory of Genetic Algorithms II: models for genetic operators over the string-tensor representation of populations and convergence to global optima for arbitrary fitness function under scaling

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    AbstractWe present a theoretical framework for an asymptotically converging, scaled genetic algorithm which uses an arbitrary-size alphabet and common scaled genetic operators. The alphabet can be interpreted as a set of equidistant real numbers and multiple-spot mutation performs a scalable compromise between pure random search and neighborhood-based change on the alphabet level. We discuss several versions of the crossover operator and their interplay with mutation. In particular, we consider uniform crossover and gene-lottery crossover which does not commute with mutation. The Vose–Liepins version of mutation-crossover is also integrated in our approach. In order to achieve convergence to global optima, the mutation rate and the crossover rate have to be annealed to zero in proper fashion, and unbounded, power-law scaled proportional fitness selection is used with logarithmic growth in the exponent. Our analysis shows that using certain types of crossover operators and large population size allows for particularly slow annealing schedules for the crossover rate. In our discussion, we focus on the following three major aspects based upon contraction properties of the mutation and fitness selection operators: (i) the drive towards uniform populations in a genetic algorithm using standard operations, (ii) weak ergodicity of the inhomogeneous Markov chain describing the probabilistic model for the scaled algorithm, (iii) convergence to globally optimal solutions. In particular, we remove two restrictions imposed in Theorem 8.6 and Remark 8.7 of (Theoret. Comput. Sci. 259 (2001) 1) where a similar type of algorithm is considered as described here: mutation need not commute with crossover and the fitness function (which may come from a coevolutionary single species setting) need not have a single maximum