195 research outputs found

    Theory Refinement on Bayesian Networks

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    Theory refinement is the task of updating a domain theory in the light of new cases, to be done automatically or with some expert assistance. The problem of theory refinement under uncertainty is reviewed here in the context of Bayesian statistics, a theory of belief revision. The problem is reduced to an incremental learning task as follows: the learning system is initially primed with a partial theory supplied by a domain expert, and thereafter maintains its own internal representation of alternative theories which is able to be interrogated by the domain expert and able to be incrementally refined from data. Algorithms for refinement of Bayesian networks are presented to illustrate what is meant by "partial theory", "alternative theory representation", etc. The algorithms are an incremental variant of batch learning algorithms from the literature so can work well in batch and incremental mode.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI1991

    Sensitivity Analysis for Probability Assessments in Bayesian Networks

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    When eliciting probability models from experts, knowledge engineers may compare the results of the model with expert judgment on test scenarios, then adjust model parameters to bring the behavior of the model more in line with the expert's intuition. This paper presents a methodology for analytic computation of sensitivity values to measure the impact of small changes in a network parameter on a target probability value or distribution. These values can be used to guide knowledge elicitation. They can also be used in a gradient descent algorithm to estimate parameter values that maximize a measure of goodness-of-fit to both local and holistic probability assessments.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI1993

    Fast Learning from Sparse Data

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    We describe two techniques that significantly improve the running time of several standard machine-learning algorithms when data is sparse. The first technique is an algorithm that effeciently extracts one-way and two-way counts--either real or expected-- from discrete data. Extracting such counts is a fundamental step in learning algorithms for constructing a variety of models including decision trees, decision graphs, Bayesian networks, and naive-Bayes clustering models. The second technique is an algorithm that efficiently performs the E-step of the EM algorithm (i.e. inference) when applied to a naive-Bayes clustering model. Using real-world data sets, we demonstrate a dramatic decrease in running time for algorithms that incorporate these techniques.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI1999

    Advances in exact Bayesian structure discovery in Bayesian networks

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    We consider a Bayesian method for learning the Bayesian network structure from complete data. Recently, Koivisto and Sood (2004) presented an algorithm that for any single edge computes its marginal posterior probability in O(n 2^n) time, where n is the number of attributes; the number of parents per attribute is bounded by a constant. In this paper we show that the posterior probabilities for all the n (n - 1) potential edges can be computed in O(n 2^n) total time. This result is achieved by a forward-backward technique and fast Moebius transform algorithms, which are of independent interest. The resulting speedup by a factor of about n^2 allows us to experimentally study the statistical power of learning moderate-size networks. We report results from a simulation study that covers data sets with 20 to 10,000 records over 5 to 25 discrete attributesComment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2006

    Improved learning of Bayesian networks

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    The search space of Bayesian Network structures is usually defined as Acyclic Directed Graphs (DAGs) and the search is done by local transformations of DAGs. But the space of Bayesian Networks is ordered by DAG Markov model inclusion and it is natural to consider that a good search policy should take this into account. First attempt to do this (Chickering 1996) was using equivalence classes of DAGs instead of DAGs itself. This approach produces better results but it is significantly slower. We present a compromise between these two approaches. It uses DAGs to search the space in such a way that the ordering by inclusion is taken into account. This is achieved by repetitive usage of local moves within the equivalence class of DAGs. We show that this new approach produces better results than the original DAGs approach without substantial change in time complexity. We present empirical results, within the framework of heuristic search and Markov Chain Monte Carlo, provided through the Alarm dataset.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2001

    A Bayesian Network Scoring Metric That Is Based On Globally Uniform Parameter Priors

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    We introduce a new Bayesian network (BN) scoring metric called the Global Uniform (GU) metric. This metric is based on a particular type of default parameter prior. Such priors may be useful when a BN developer is not willing or able to specify domain-specific parameter priors. The GU parameter prior specifies that every prior joint probability distribution P consistent with a BN structure S is considered to be equally likely. Distribution P is consistent with S if P includes just the set of independence relations defined by S. We show that the GU metric addresses some undesirable behavior of the BDeu and K2 Bayesian network scoring metrics, which also use particular forms of default parameter priors. A closed form formula for computing GU for special classes of BNs is derived. Efficiently computing GU for an arbitrary BN remains an open problem.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2002

    Treedy: A Heuristic for Counting and Sampling Subsets

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    Consider a collection of weighted subsets of a ground set N. Given a query subset Q of N, how fast can one (1) find the weighted sum over all subsets of Q, and (2) sample a subset of Q proportionally to the weights? We present a tree-based greedy heuristic, Treedy, that for a given positive tolerance d answers such counting and sampling queries to within a guaranteed relative error d and total variation distance d, respectively. Experimental results on artificial instances and in application to Bayesian structure discovery in Bayesian networks show that approximations yield dramatic savings in running time compared to exact computation, and that Treedy typically outperforms a previously proposed sorting-based heuristic.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2013

    Learning the Bayesian Network Structure: Dirichlet Prior versus Data

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    In the Bayesian approach to structure learning of graphical models, the equivalent sample size (ESS) in the Dirichlet prior over the model parameters was recently shown to have an important effect on the maximum-a-posteriori estimate of the Bayesian network structure. In our first contribution, we theoretically analyze the case of large ESS-values, which complements previous work: among other results, we find that the presence of an edge in a Bayesian network is favoured over its absence even if both the Dirichlet prior and the data imply independence, as long as the conditional empirical distribution is notably different from uniform. In our second contribution, we focus on realistic ESS-values, and provide an analytical approximation to the "optimal" ESS-value in a predictive sense (its accuracy is also validated experimentally): this approximation provides an understanding as to which properties of the data have the main effect determining the "optimal" ESS-value.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2008

    Exact Maximum Margin Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks

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    Recently, there has been much interest in finding globally optimal Bayesian network structures. These techniques were developed for generative scores and can not be directly extended to discriminative scores, as desired for classification. In this paper, we propose an exact method for finding network structures maximizing the probabilistic soft margin, a successfully applied discriminative score. Our method is based on branch-and-bound techniques within a linear programming framework and maintains an any-time solution, together with worst-case sub-optimality bounds. We apply a set of order constraints for enforcing the network structure to be acyclic, which allows a compact problem representation and the use of general-purpose optimization techniques. In classification experiments, our methods clearly outperform generatively trained network structures and compete with support vector machines.Comment: ICM

    Learning Bayesian Networks with Restricted Causal Interactions

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    A major problem for the learning of Bayesian networks (BNs) is the exponential number of parameters needed for conditional probability tables. Recent research reduces this complexity by modeling local structure in the probability tables. We examine the use of log-linear local models. While log-linear models in this context are not new (Whittaker, 1990; Buntine, 1991; Neal, 1992; Heckerman and Meek, 1997), for structure learning they are generally subsumed under a naive Bayes model. We describe an alternative interpretation, and use a Minimum Message Length (MML) (Wallace, 1987) metric for structure learning of networks exhibiting causal independence, which we term first-order networks (FONs). We also investigate local model selection on a node-by-node basis.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI1999
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