2 research outputs found

    The Brown-Erd\H{o}s-S\'os Conjecture in finite abelian groups

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    The Brown-Erd\H{o}s-S\'{o}s conjecture, one of the central conjectures in extremal combinatorics, states that for any integer m≥6,m\geq 6, if a 3-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices contains no mm vertices spanning at least m−3m-3 edges, then the number of edges is o(n2).o(n^2). We prove the conjecture for triple systems coming from finite abelian groups

    Maximum and minimum degree conditions for embedding trees

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    We propose the following conjecture: For every fixed α∈[0,13)\alpha\in [0,\frac 13), each graph of minimum degree at least (1+α)k2(1+\alpha)\frac k2 and maximum degree at least 2(1−α)k2(1-\alpha)k contains each tree with kk edges as a subgraph. Our main result is an approximate version of the conjecture for bounded degree trees and large dense host graphs. We also show that our conjecture is asymptotically best possible. The proof of the approximate result relies on a second result, which we believe to be interesting on its own. Namely, we can embed any bounded degree tree into host graphs of minimum/maximum degree asymptotically exceeding k2\frac k2 and 43k\frac 43k, respectively, as long as the host graph avoids a specific structure