3,491 research outputs found

    Modifications and Improvements to the Sea Beam System on Board R/V Thomas Washington

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    A number of modifications to the narrowbeam echo-sounder and echo processor of the Sea Beammultibeam bathymetric survey system have been implemented. These include the design and construction of a digital pitch compensator, the ability to use a variety of sensors for vertical reference, the design and construction of hardware test equipment, and an interface to the shipboard DEC VAX-11/730 computer for data logging, automation of start-up procedures, and performance monitorin

    New approaches to the measurement of chlorophyll, related pigments and productivity in the sea

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    In the 1984 SBIR Call for Proposals, NASA solicited new methods to measure primary production and chlorophyll in the ocean. Biospherical Instruments Inc. responded to this call with a proposal first to study a variety of approaches to this problem. A second phase of research was then funded to pursue instrumentation to measure the sunlight stimulated naturally occurring fluorescence of chlorophyll in marine phytoplankton. The monitoring of global productivity, global fisheries resources, application of above surface-to-underwater optical communications systems, submarine detection applications, correlation, and calibration of remote sensing systems are but some of the reasons for developing inexpensive sensors to measure chlorophyll and productivity. Normally, productivity measurements are manpower and cost intensive and, with the exception of a very few expensive multiship research experiments, provide no contemporaneous data. We feel that the patented, simple sensors that we have designed will provide a cost effective method for large scale, synoptic, optical measurements in the ocean. This document is the final project report for a NASA sponsored SBIR Phase 2 effort to develop new methods for the measurements of primary production in the ocean. This project has been successfully completed, a U.S. patent was issued covering the methodology and sensors, and the first production run of instrumentation developed under this contract has sold out and been delivered

    Towards a Total Navigation Control System

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    Most survey companies at present have navigation computer systems based around a desktop calculator. The pre-job preparation work and post-processing take place on an office-based computer. To increase production and improve the speed of producing the final report and charts, I intend to examine the requirements for an offshore computer package which will meet these needs. To many surveyors, the navigation computer is a black box that seems to absorb information, then spit out the results. To design a complex computer package, it is essential to have knowledge of the capabilities of the hardware as well as the structure of the software

    Near Zone: Basic scattering code user's manual with space station applications

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    The Electromagnetic Code - Basic Scattering Code, Version 3, is a user oriented computer code to analyze near and far zone patterns of antennas in the presence of scattering structures, to provide coupling between antennas in a complex environment, and to determine radiation hazard calculations at UHF and above. The analysis is based on uniform asymptotic techniques formulated in terms of the Uniform Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (UTD). Complicated structures can be simulated by arbitrarily oriented flat plates and an infinite ground plane that can be perfectly conducting or dielectric. Also, perfectly conducting finite elliptic cylinder, elliptic cone frustum sections, and finite composite ellipsoids can be used to model the superstructure of a ship, the body of a truck, and airplane, a satellite, etc. This manual gives special consideration to space station modeling applications. This is a user manual designed to give an overall view of the operation of the computer code, to instruct a user in how to model structures, and to show the validity of the code by comparing various computed results against measured and alternative calculations such as method of moments whenever available

    ARPA Training in Vietnam : implementation and certification

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    Computer-aided design and analysis of circuits and systems Final report, 20 Sep. 1966 - 1 Jul. 1968

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    Consolidation, standardization, and qualification of computer program routines associated with computer-aided design and analysis of circuits and system

    Seismotectonic, structural, volcanologic, and geomorphic study of New Zealand; indigenous forest assessment in New Zealand; mapping, land use, and environmental studies in New Zealand, volume 2

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Ship detection via LANDSAT MSS data was demonstrated. In addition, information on ship size, orientation, and movement was obtained. Band 7 was used for the initial detection followed by confirmation on other MSS bands. Under low turbidity, as experienced in open seas, the detection of ships 100 m long was verified and detection of ships down to 30 m length theorized. High turbidity and sea state inhibit ship detection by decreasing S/N ratios. The radiance effect from snow of local slope angles and orientation was also studied. Higher radiance values and even overloading in three bands were recorded for the sun-facing slope. Local hot spots from solar reflection appear at several locations along transect D-C in Six Mile Creek Basin during September 1976

    How to improve maritime education in Mexico using existing structure and human resources

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