6 research outputs found

    The Sampling-and-Learning Framework: A Statistical View of Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), a large class of general purpose optimization algorithms inspired from the natural phenomena, are widely used in various industrial optimizations and often show excellent performance. This paper presents an attempt towards revealing their general power from a statistical view of EAs. By summarizing a large range of EAs into the sampling-and-learning framework, we show that the framework directly admits a general analysis on the probable-absolute-approximate (PAA) query complexity. We particularly focus on the framework with the learning subroutine being restricted as a binary classification, which results in the sampling-and-classification (SAC) algorithms. With the help of the learning theory, we obtain a general upper bound on the PAA query complexity of SAC algorithms. We further compare SAC algorithms with the uniform search in different situations. Under the error-target independence condition, we show that SAC algorithms can achieve polynomial speedup to the uniform search, but not super-polynomial speedup. Under the one-side-error condition, we show that super-polynomial speedup can be achieved. This work only touches the surface of the framework. Its power under other conditions is still open

    Better Runtime Guarantees Via Stochastic Domination

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    Apart from few exceptions, the mathematical runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms is mostly concerned with expected runtimes. In this work, we argue that stochastic domination is a notion that should be used more frequently in this area. Stochastic domination allows to formulate much more informative performance guarantees, it allows to decouple the algorithm analysis into the true algorithmic part of detecting a domination statement and the probability-theoretical part of deriving the desired probabilistic guarantees from this statement, and it helps finding simpler and more natural proofs. As particular results, we prove a fitness level theorem which shows that the runtime is dominated by a sum of independent geometric random variables, we prove the first tail bounds for several classic runtime problems, and we give a short and natural proof for Witt's result that the runtime of any (μ,p)(\mu,p) mutation-based algorithm on any function with unique optimum is subdominated by the runtime of a variant of the \oea on the \onemax function. As side-products, we determine the fastest unbiased (1+1) algorithm for the \leadingones benchmark problem, both in the general case and when restricted to static mutation operators, and we prove a Chernoff-type tail bound for sums of independent coupon collector distributions.Comment: Significantly extended version of a paper that appeared in the proceedings of EvoCOP 201

    Probabilistic Tools for the Analysis of Randomized Optimization Heuristics

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    This chapter collects several probabilistic tools that proved to be useful in the analysis of randomized search heuristics. This includes classic material like Markov, Chebyshev and Chernoff inequalities, but also lesser known topics like stochastic domination and coupling or Chernoff bounds for geometrically distributed random variables and for negatively correlated random variables. Most of the results presented here have appeared previously, some, however, only in recent conference publications. While the focus is on collecting tools for the analysis of randomized search heuristics, many of these may be useful as well in the analysis of classic randomized algorithms or discrete random structures.Comment: 91 page