2 research outputs found

    Ubiquitous text interaction

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    Computer-based interactions increasingly pervade our everyday environments. Be it on a mobile device, a wearable device, a wall-sized display, or an augmented reality device, interactive systems often rely on the consumption, composition, and manipulation of text. The focus of this workshop is on exploring the problems and opportunities of text interactions that are embedded in our environments, available all the time, and used by people who may be constrained by device, situation, or disability. This workshop welcomes all researchers interested in interactive systems that rely on text input or output. Participants should submit a short position statement outlining their background, past work, future plans, and suggesting a use-case they would like to explore in-depth during the workshop. During the workshop, small teams will form around common or compelling use-cases. Teams will spend time brainstorming, creating low-fidelity prototypes, and discussing their use-case with the group. Participants may optionally submit a technical paper for presentation as part of the workshop program. The workshop serves to sustain and build the community of text entry researchers who attend CHI. It provides an opportunity for new members to join this community, soliciting feedback from experts in a small and supportive environment

    The usability of text entry systems now and in the future

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    Text entry is an active and growing research domain. Our SIG serves three purposes. First, to strengthen the text entry community by bringing text entry researchers working in the human-computer interaction, natural language processing and augmentative and alternative communication communities together in one room. Second, to promote CHI as a natural and compelling focal point for all kinds of text entry research. Third, to follow-up on and broaden the discussions that emerged from two previous text entry workshops held at CHI [3, 4] by engaging in dialog to identify obstacles for success and formalizing procedures for measuring progress in the field of text entry