4 research outputs found

    On the convergence of multidimensional S-fractions with independent variables

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    The paper investigates the convergence problem of a special class of branched continued fractions, i.e. the multidimensional S-fractions with independent variables, consisting of βˆ‘i1=1Nci(1)zi11+βˆ‘i2=1i1ci(2)zi21+βˆ‘i3=1i2ci(3)zi31+⋯ ,\sum_{i_1=1}^N\frac{c_{i(1)}z_{i_1}}{1}{\atop+}\sum_{i_2=1}^{i_1}\frac{c_{i(2)}z_{i_2}}{1}{\atop+} \sum_{i_3=1}^{i_2}\frac{c_{i(3)}z_{i_3}}{1}{\atop+}\cdots, which are multidimensional generalizations of S-fractions (Stieltjes fractions). These branched continued fractions are used, in particular, for approximation of the analytic functions of several variables given by multiple power series. For multidimensional S-fractions with independent variables we have established a convergence criterion in the domain H={z=(z1,z2,…,zN)∈CN:β€…β€Šβˆ£arg⁑(zk+1)∣<Ο€,β€…β€Š1≀k≀N}H=\left\{{\bf{z}}=(z_1,z_2,\ldots,z_N)\in\mathbb{C}^N:\;|\arg(z_k+1)|<\pi,\; 1\le k\le N\right\} as well as the estimates of the rate of convergence in the open polydisc Q={z=(z1,z2,…,zN)∈CN:β€…β€Šβˆ£zk∣<1,β€…β€Š1≀k≀N}Q=\left\{{\bf{z}}=(z_1,z_2,\ldots,z_N)\in\mathbb{C}^N:\;|z_k|<1,\;1\le k\le N\right\} and in a closure of the domain $Q.

    On convergence criteria for branched continued fraction

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    The starting point of the present paper is a result by E.A. Boltarovych (1989) on convergence regions, dealing with branched continued fraction βˆ‘i1=1Nai(1)1+βˆ‘i2=1Nai(2)1+…+βˆ‘in=1Nai(n)1+…,\sum_{i_1=1}^N\frac{a_{i(1)}}{1}{\atop+}\sum_{i_2=1}^N\frac{a_{i(2)}}{1}{\atop+}\ldots{\atop+}\sum_{i_n=1}^N\frac{a_{i(n)}}{1}{\atop+}\ldots, where ∣ai(2nβˆ’1)βˆ£β‰€Ξ±/N,|a_{i(2n-1)}|\le\alpha/N, ip=1,Nβ€Ύ,i_p=\overline{1,N}, p=1,2nβˆ’1β€Ύ,p=\overline{1,2n-1}, nβ‰₯1,n\ge1, and for each multiindex i(2nβˆ’1)i(2n-1) there is a single index j2n,j_{2n}, 1≀j2n≀N,1\le j_{2n}\le N, such that ∣ai(2nβˆ’1),j2n∣β‰₯R,|a_{i(2n-1),j_{2n}}|\ge R, ip=1,Nβ€Ύ,i_p=\overline{1,N}, p=1,2nβˆ’1β€Ύ,p=\overline{1,2n-1}, nβ‰₯1,n\ge1, and ∣ai(2n)βˆ£β‰€r/(Nβˆ’1),|a_{i(2n)}|\le r/(N-1), i2nβ‰ j2n,i_{2n}\ne j_{2n}, ip=1,Nβ€Ύ,i_p=\overline{1,N}, p=1,2nβ€Ύ,p=\overline{1,2n}, nβ‰₯1,n\ge1, where N>1N>1 and Ξ±,\alpha, rr and RR are real numbers that satisfying certain conditions. In the present paper conditions for these regions are replaced by βˆ‘i1=1N∣ai(1)βˆ£β‰€Ξ±(1βˆ’Ξ΅),\sum_{i_1=1}^N|a_{i(1)}|\le\alpha(1-\varepsilon), βˆ‘i2n+1=1N∣ai(2n+1)βˆ£β‰€Ξ±(1βˆ’Ξ΅),\sum_{i_{2n+1}=1}^N|a_{i(2n+1)}|\le\alpha(1-\varepsilon), ip=1,Nβ€Ύ,i_p=\overline{1,N}, p=1,2nβ€Ύ,p=\overline{1,2n}, nβ‰₯1,n\ge1, and for each multiindex i(2nβˆ’1)i(2n-1) there is a single index j2n,j_{2n}, 1≀j2n≀N,1\le j_{2n}\le N, such that ∣ai(2nβˆ’1),j2n∣β‰₯R|a_{i(2n-1),j_{2n}}|\ge R and βˆ‘i2n∈{1,2,…,N}\{j2n}∣ai(2n)βˆ£β‰€r,\sum_{i_{2n}\in\{1,2,\ldots,N\}\backslash\{j_{2n}\}}|a_{i(2n)}|\le r, ip=1,Nβ€Ύ,i_p=\overline{1,N}, p=1,2nβˆ’1β€Ύ,p=\overline{1,2n-1}, nβ‰₯1,n\ge1, where Ξ΅,\varepsilon, Ξ±,\alpha, rr and RR are real numbers that satisfying certain conditions, and better convergence speed estimates are obtained

    Some convergence regions of branched continued fractions of special form

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    Approximation of functions of several variables by multidimensional SS-fractions with independent variables

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    The paper deals with the problem of approximation of functions of several variables by branched continued fractions. We study the correspondence between formal multiple power series and the so-called "multidimensional SS-fraction with independent variables". As a result, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the expansion of the formal multiple power series into the corresponding multidimensional SS-fraction with independent variables have been established. Several numerical experiments show the efficiency, power and feasibility of using the branched continued fractions in order to numerically approximate certain functions of several variables from their formal multiple power series