11 research outputs found

    Operators on random hypergraphs and random simplicial complexes

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    Random hypergraphs and random simplicial complexes have potential applications in computer science and engineering. Various models of random hypergraphs and random simplicial complexes on n-points have been studied. Let L be a simplicial complex. In this paper, we study random sub-hypergraphs and random sub-complexes of L. By considering the minimal complex that a sub-hypergraph can be embedded in and the maximal complex that can be embedded in a sub-hypergraph, we define some operators on the space of probability functions on sub-hypergraphs of L. We study the compositions of these operators as well as their actions on the space of probability functions. As applications in computer science, we give algorithms generating large sparse random hypergraphs and large sparse random simplicial complexes.Comment: 22 page

    On the structure of random graphs with constant rr-balls

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    We continue the study of the properties of graphs in which the ball of radius rr around each vertex induces a graph isomorphic to the ball of radius rr in some fixed vertex-transitive graph FF, for various choices of FF and rr. This is a natural extension of the study of regular graphs. More precisely, if FF is a vertex-transitive graph and r∈Nr \in \mathbb{N}, we say a graph GG is {\em rr-locally FF} if the ball of radius rr around each vertex of GG induces a graph isomorphic to the graph induced by the ball of radius rr around any vertex of FF. We consider the following random graph model: for each n∈Nn \in \mathbb{N}, we let Gn=Gn(F,r)G_n = G_n(F,r) be a graph chosen uniformly at random from the set of all unlabelled, nn-vertex graphs that are rr-locally FF. We investigate the properties possessed by the random graph GnG_n with high probability, for various natural choices of FF and rr. We prove that if FF is a Cayley graph of a torsion-free group of polynomial growth, and rr is sufficiently large depending on FF, then the random graph Gn=Gn(F,r)G_n = G_n(F,r) has largest component of order at most n5/6n^{5/6} with high probability, and has at least exp⁑(nδ)\exp(n^{\delta}) automorphisms with high probability, where δ>0\delta>0 depends upon FF alone. Both properties are in stark contrast to random dd-regular graphs, which correspond to the case where FF is the infinite dd-regular tree. We also show that, under the same hypotheses, the number of unlabelled, nn-vertex graphs that are rr-locally FF grows like a stretched exponential in nn, again in contrast with dd-regular graphs. In the case where FF is the standard Cayley graph of Zd\mathbb{Z}^d, we obtain a much more precise enumeration result, and more precise results on the properties of the random graph Gn(F,r)G_n(F,r). Our proofs use a mixture of results and techniques from geometry, group theory and combinatorics.Comment: Minor changes. 57 page