19,968 research outputs found

    Recurrent Polynomial Network for Dialogue State Tracking

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      Dialogue state tracking (DST) is a process to estimate the distribution of the dialogue states as a dialogue progresses. Recent studies on constrained Markov Bayesian polynomial (CMBP) framework take the first step towards bridging the gap between rule-based and statistical approaches for DST. In this paper, the gap is further bridged by a novel framework -- recurrent polynomial network (RPN). RPN's unique structure enables the framework to have all the advantages of CMBP including efficiency, portability and interpretability. Additionally, RPN achieves more properties of statistical approaches than CMBP. RPN was evaluated on the data corpora of the second and the third Dialog State Tracking Challenge (DSTC-2/3). Experiments showed that RPN can significantly outperform both traditional rule-based approaches and statistical approaches with similar feature set. Compared with the state-of-the-art statistical DST approaches with a lot richer features, RPN is also competitive

    Robust Dialog State Tracking for Large Ontologies

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    The Dialog State Tracking Challenge 4 (DSTC 4) differentiates itself from the previous three editions as follows: the number of slot-value pairs present in the ontology is much larger, no spoken language understanding output is given, and utterances are labeled at the subdialog level. This paper describes a novel dialog state tracking method designed to work robustly under these conditions, using elaborate string matching, coreference resolution tailored for dialogs and a few other improvements. The method can correctly identify many values that are not explicitly present in the utterance. On the final evaluation, our method came in first among 7 competing teams and 24 entries. The F1-score achieved by our method was 9 and 7 percentage points higher than that of the runner-up for the utterance-level evaluation and for the subdialog-level evaluation, respectively.Comment: Paper accepted at IWSDS 201

    Tracking of enriched dialog states for flexible conversational information access

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    Dialog state tracking (DST) is a crucial component in a task-oriented dialog system for conversational information access. A common practice in current dialog systems is to define the dialog state by a set of slot-value pairs. Such representation of dialog states and the slot-filling based DST have been widely employed, but suffer from three drawbacks. (1) The dialog state can contain only a single value for a slot, and (2) can contain only users' affirmative preference over the values for a slot. (3) Current task-based dialog systems mainly focus on the searching task, while the enquiring task is also very common in practice. The above observations motivate us to enrich current representation of dialog states and collect a brand new dialog dataset about movies, based upon which we build a new DST, called enriched DST (EDST), for flexible accessing movie information. The EDST supports the searching task, the enquiring task and their mixed task. We show that the new EDST method not only achieves good results on Iqiyi dataset, but also outperforms other state-of-the-art DST methods on the traditional dialog datasets, WOZ2.0 and DSTC2.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by ICASSP201

    A Frame Tracking Model for Memory-Enhanced Dialogue Systems

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    Recently, resources and tasks were proposed to go beyond state tracking in dialogue systems. An example is the frame tracking task, which requires recording multiple frames, one for each user goal set during the dialogue. This allows a user, for instance, to compare items corresponding to different goals. This paper proposes a model which takes as input the list of frames created so far during the dialogue, the current user utterance as well as the dialogue acts, slot types, and slot values associated with this utterance. The model then outputs the frame being referenced by each triple of dialogue act, slot type, and slot value. We show that on the recently published Frames dataset, this model significantly outperforms a previously proposed rule-based baseline. In addition, we propose an extensive analysis of the frame tracking task by dividing it into sub-tasks and assessing their difficulty with respect to our model
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