1 research outputs found

    The sum number of d-partite complete hypergraphs

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    A d-uniform hypergraph is a sum hypergraph iff there is a finite S βŠ† IN⁺ such that is isomorphic to the hypergraph ⁺d(S)=(V,) ⁺_d(S) = (V,), where V = S and =v1,...,vd:(iβ‰ jβ‡’viβ‰ vj)βˆ§βˆ‘i=1dvi∈S = {{v₁,...,v_d}: (i β‰  j β‡’ v_i β‰  v_j)∧ βˆ‘^d_{i=1} v_i ∈ S}. For an arbitrary d-uniform hypergraph the sum number Οƒ = Οƒ() is defined to be the minimum number of isolated vertices w1,...,wΟƒβˆ‰Vw₁,...,w_Οƒ βˆ‰ V such that βˆͺw1,...,wΟƒ βˆͺ{ w₁,..., w_Οƒ} is a sum hypergraph. In this paper, we prove Οƒ(n1,...,ndd)=1+βˆ‘i=1d(niβˆ’1)+min0,⌈1/2(βˆ‘i=1dβˆ’1(niβˆ’1)βˆ’nd)βŒ‰Οƒ(^{d}_{n₁,...,n_d}) = 1 + βˆ‘^d_{i=1} (n_i -1 ) + min{0,⌈1/2(βˆ‘_{i=1}^{d-1} (n_i -1) - n_d)βŒ‰}, where n1,...,ndd^{d}_{n₁,...,n_d} denotes the d-partite complete hypergraph; this generalizes the corresponding result of Hartsfield and Smyth [8] for complete bipartite graphs