1 research outputs found

    Computing science

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    More than six years have now passed since the centenary of Alan Turing’s birth in 2012. At that time one of the important things to say about Computing and Information Systems education in Scottish Schools was that it was on the cusp of change. Alan Turing, the ‘father’ of modern computing, was a little known British genius, who is commemorated in one of the leading schools of Informatics in the UK, at the University of Edinburgh (The Turing Room). Turing’s contributions to the country’s future, both as a computer scientist of genius, and a wartime code-breaker, are seminal. Yet, despite this, it continues to be the case that his reputation does not extend far beyond Computer Science. In a way, a similar fate has befallen Computer Science education itself. As an area of study, it continues to be somewhat neglected beyond the universities, yet there remains little doubt that the skills of Computing Science (CS), Computing education and computational thinking more broadly, are of considerable and increasing importance for Scotland’s economic and scientific futures. Therefore, it is crucial that new curriculum developments in this field support and enhance the talents and abilities of all Scotland’s young people