3 research outputs found


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    In modern conditions, the main value becomes the development ofeducational, intellectual and creative potential of human as the main sources of intellectual activity. Particular attention to the issue of intellectual asset management is caused by the shift of emphasis from tangible material assets to the implementation of innovations and the direction of investment in the development of intangible and intellectual assets. Intellectual assets can not only increase the book value, but also provide capitalization of the company with possible entanglement of additional investment resources.Creation and use of intellectual assets, their capitalization and commercialization led to the emergence of new business processes inorganizations. Creation, accumulation and effective use of intellectual assets are possible only if there is an effective management system for such assets in the organization. As intellectual assets increasingly contribute to business development, every organization must have an intellectual asset management strategy. An important step in any organization that manages intellectual assets is to monitor (audit) existing assets.The organization should also inform its staff about the strategicimportance of intellectual property within the organization. It is a process of raising awareness of different types of intellectual property, as well as the organization’s policy on these assets. The management of the organization should take part in this process, demonstrating the importance of creating and protecting the company’s intellectual assets. The intellectual asset management strategy should be integrated into the overall business strategy, as well as include internal policy elements such as privacy policy.Providing abidance of rights on intellectual assets is one of the most costly aspects of intellectual property portfolio management, which includes both mandatory payments and litigation against infringers’ actions. The key to successful management of intangible assets in the organization is to align the intellectual property strategy with its business strategy. Important aspects are the identification and audit of intellectual assets, their cataloging, and coordination of intellectual asset management strategy with other strategies in the organization, commercialization and protection of intellectual property rights. All these stages require a conceptual systems approach, planning and using of modern successful practices in the market.Распространение экономики знаний на фоне глобализации и развития новых технологий предопределяет особое внимание в процессе управления организацией к интеллектуальным активам как основному источнику капитализации бизнеса и создания конкурентных преимуществ на рынке. Создание и эффективное использование интеллектуальных активов возможно при условии осуществления в организации целенаправленного управления такими активами, в том числе разработки стратегии развития этой сферы бизнеса. Важными аспектами при этом выступают идентификация и аудит интеллектуальных активов, их каталогизация, согласование стратегии управления интеллектуальными активами с другими стратегиями в организации, коммерциализация и охрана прав на интеллектуальную собственность. Все эти этапы требуют концептуального системного подхода, планирования и использования современной успешной практики на рынке.Поширення економіки знань на тлі глобалізації та розвитку нових технологій зумовлює особливу увагу в процесі управління організацією до інтелектуальних активів як основного джерела капіталізації бізнесу та створення конкурентних переваг на ринку. Створення та ефективне використання інтелектуальних активів можливе за умови здійснення в організації цілеспрямованого управління такими активами, в тому числі розробки стратегії розвитку цієї сфери бізнесу. Важливими аспектами при цьому виступають ідентифікація та аудит інтелектуальних активів, їх каталогізація, узгодження стратегії управління інтелектуальними активами з іншими стратегіями в організації, комерціалізація та охорона прав на інтелектуальну власність. Всі ці етапи вимагають концептуального системного підходу, планування і використання сучасної успішної практики на ринку


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    The research paper discusses the growing importance of rural tourism and community based development as a means of sustainable regional development. Growing number of international visitors in Georgia, as well as high agriculture dependence of local population, requires the Government to have a clear long-term strategic vision for tourism and rural development policies. Understanding of the local community role in the sustainable tourism development will enhance the decentralization processes. Experience of developed countries like Italy and German, Check republic, New Zealand, etc. shows that in the wake of the emergence of rural tourism, many countries changed and harmonized policies that reflected modification in national regulations and development strategies. The Georgia’s favorable climate and soil have historically shaped agriculture one of its most productive economic sectors. Nevertheless, nowadays the sector does not provide favorable economic benefits to the local population. As a promising component, research paper identifies rural tourism as a central stimulator for agriculture sector adding strength to a traditional poor rural economy. Analysis of various existing policy initiatives in Georgia shows urgent need for harmonization of policy documents and local community involvement

    Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Universities: Experiences and Challenges in Digital Era (A Systemic Approach)

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    The modern world actively discusses the challenges that will lead to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As the specialists assume, part of the jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence. In addition, creation of completely new jobs is expected. As for the jobs that might be maintained in future, skills upgrading will be particularly important. In such a turbulent environment of economic development, universities, and in particular entrepreneurial universities, play a significant role. We think so as these universities have special structures that promote form a university-industry-government triple helix, reskilling and commercialization of new ideas, etc. Due to the above-mentioned factors, they will neutralize the expected fluctuations in the best way. Later we will discuss the systemic links between the mutual influence of entrepreneurial universities and economy. We consider that continuous connection with such universities will enable business to adapt to the inevitable changes with minimal loss