5 research outputs found

    Pixel precise unsupervised detection of viral particle proliferation in cellular imaging data

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    Cellular and molecular imaging techniques and models have been developed to characterize single stages of viral proliferation after focal infection of cells in vitro. The fast and automatic classification of cell imaging data may prove helpful prior to any further comparison of representative experimental data to mathematical models of viral propagation in host cells. Here, we use computer generated images drawn from a reproduction of an imaging model from a previously published study of experimentally obtained cell imaging data representing progressive viral particle proliferation in host cell monolayers. Inspired by experimental time-based imaging data, here in this study viral particle increase in time is simulated by a one-by-one increase, across images, in black or gray single pixels representing dead or partially infected cells, and hypothetical remission by a one-by-one increase in white pixels coding for living cells in the original image model. The image simulations are submitted to unsupervised learning by a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and the Quantization Error in the SOM output (SOM-QE) is used for automatic classification of the image simulations as a function of the represented extent of viral particle proliferation or cell recovery. Unsupervised classification by SOM-QE of 160 model images, each with more than three million pixels, is shown to provide a statistically reliable, pixel precise, and fast classification model that outperforms human computer-assisted image classification by RGB image mean computation. The automatic classification procedure proposed here provides a powerful approach to understand finely tuned mechanisms in the infection and proliferation of virus in cell lines in vitro or other cells

    The Grossberg Code: Universal Neural Network Signatures of Perceptual Experience

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    Two universal functional principles of Grossberg’s Adaptive Resonance Theory decipher the brain code of all biological learning and adaptive intelligence. Low-level representations of multisensory stimuli in their immediate environmental context are formed on the basis of bottom-up activation and under the control of top-down matching rules that integrate high-level, long-term traces of contextual configuration. These universal coding principles lead to the establishment of lasting brain signatures of perceptual experience in all living species, from aplysiae to primates. They are re-visited in this concept paper on the basis of examples drawn from the original code and from some of the most recent related empirical findings on contextual modulation in the brain, highlighting the potential of Grossberg’s pioneering insights and groundbreaking theoretical work for intelligent solutions in the domain of developmental and cognitive robotics

    The Grossberg Code: Universal Neural Network Signatures of Perceptual Experience

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    Two universal functional principles of Grossberg’s Adaptive Resonance Theory [19] decipher the brain code of all biological learning and adaptive intelligence. Low-level representations of multisensory stimuli in their immediate environmental context are formed on the basis of bottom-up activation and under the control of top-down matching rules that integrate high-level long-term traces of contextual configuration. These universal coding principles lead to the establishment of lasting brain signatures of perceptual experience in all living species, from aplysiae to primates. They are re-visited in this concept paper here on the basis of examples drawn from the original code and from some of the most recent related empirical findings on contextual modulation in the brain, highlighting the potential of Grossberg’s pioneering insights and groundbreaking theoretical work for intelligent solutions in the domain of developmental and cognitive robotics