4 research outputs found

    The Quadratic Minimum Spanning Tree Problem and its Variations

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    The quadratic minimum spanning tree problem and its variations such as the quadratic bottleneck spanning tree problem, the minimum spanning tree problem with conflict pair constraints, and the bottleneck spanning tree problem with conflict pair constraints are useful in modeling various real life applications. All these problems are known to be NP-hard. In this paper, we investigate these problems to obtain additional insights into the structure of the problems and to identify possible demarcation between easy and hard special cases. New polynomially solvable cases have been identified, as well as NP-hard instances on very simple graphs. As a byproduct, we have a recursive formula for counting the number of spanning trees on a (k,n)(k,n)-accordion and a characterization of matroids in the context of a quadratic objective function

    A characterization of linearizable instances of the quadratic minimum spanning tree problem

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    We investigate special cases of the quadratic minimum spanning tree problem (QMSTP) on a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) that can be solved as a linear minimum spanning tree problem. Characterization of such problems on graphs with special properties are given. This include complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, cactuses among others. Our characterization can be verified in O(∣E∣2)O(|E|^2) time. In the case of complete graphs and when the cost matrix is given in factored form, we show that our characterization can be verified in O(∣E∣)O(|E|) time. Related open problems are also indicated

    Geometric and LP-based heuristics for the quadratic travelling salesman problem

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    A generalization of the classical TSP is the so-called quadratic travelling salesman problem (QTSP), in which a cost coefficient is associated with the transition in every vertex, i.e. with every pair of edges traversed in succession. In this paper we consider two geometrically motivated special cases of the QTSP known from the literature, namely the angular-metric TSP, where transition costs correspond to turning angles in every vertex, and the angular-distance-metric TSP, where a linear combination of turning angles and Euclidean distances is considered. At first we introduce a wide range of heuristic approaches, motivated by the typical geometric structure of optimal solutions. In particular, we exploit lens-shaped neighborhoods of edges and a decomposition of the graph into layers of convex hulls, which are then merged into a tour by a greedy-type procedure or by utilizing an ILP model. Secondly, we consider an ILP model for a standard linearization of QTSP and compute fractional solutions of a relaxation. By rounding we obtain a collection of subtours, paths and isolated points, which are combined into a tour by various strategies, all of them involving auxiliary ILP models. Finally, different improvement heuristics are proposed, most notably a matheuristic which locally reoptimizes the solution for rectangular sectors of the given point set by an ILP approach. Extensive computational experiments for benchmark instances from the literature and extensions thereof illustrate the Pareto-efficient frontier of algorithms in a (running time, objective value)-space. It turns out that our new methods clearly dominate the previously published heuristics

    Some Network Optimization Models under Diverse Uncertain Environments

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    Network models provide an efficient way to represent many real life problems mathematically. In the last few decades, the field of network optimization has witnessed an upsurge of interest among researchers and practitioners. The network models considered in this thesis are broadly classified into four types including transportation problem, shortest path problem, minimum spanning tree problem and maximum flow problem. Quite often, we come across situations, when the decision parameters of network optimization problems are not precise and characterized by various forms of uncertainties arising from the factors, like insufficient or incomplete data, lack of evidence, inappropriate judgements and randomness. Considering the deterministic environment, there exist several studies on network optimization problems. However, in the literature, not many investigations on single and multi objective network optimization problems are observed under diverse uncertain frameworks. This thesis proposes seven different network models under different uncertain paradigms. Here, the uncertain programming techniques used to formulate the uncertain network models are (i) expected value model, (ii) chance constrained model and (iii) dependent chance constrained model. Subsequently, the corresponding crisp equivalents of the uncertain network models are solved using different solution methodologies. The solution methodologies used in this thesis can be broadly categorized as classical methods and evolutionary algorithms. The classical methods, used in this thesis, are Dijkstra and Kruskal algorithms, modified rough Dijkstra algorithm, global criterion method, epsilon constraint method and fuzzy programming method. Whereas, among the evolutionary algorithms, we have proposed the varying population genetic algorithm with indeterminate crossover and considered two multi objective evolutionary algorithms.Comment: Thesis documen