6 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Altmetric top 100 Altmetric Attention Score Coronavirus publications

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    The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to the publication of many scientific papers. The goal of the present research was to analyze these papers using the Altmetric Attention Score (AAS). Statistics for 100 publications with high AAS scores were selected and exported from the Dimension database on May 22nd 2020. The major findings were that these publications were published in 34 different journals or preprint repositories. More than one-third of the total of 657, 350 social media posts were collected from the Twitter platform. The top contributing countries were China, followed by the USA. The paper “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” by Andersen, Kristian G., etal., 2020 had the highest AAS (33 514). These findings may help others to design studies of the AAS in Coronavirus literature and compare them with traditional citations

    Indicadores altmétricos da produção de pesquisadores brasileiros: análise dos bolsistas de produtividade do CNPq

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    This paper aims to analyses the altmetric performance of Brazilian publications authored by researchers who are holders of productivity scholarship (PQ) of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). The scope of this research assesses the PQs in activity on October, 2017 (n = 14.609). The collection of scientific production registered on Lattes was conducted via GetLattesData and filtered by articles from academic journals published between 2016 and October 2017 that hold the Digital Object Identifier (n = 99064). The online attention data are analyzed according to their distribution by density and variation; language of the publication and field of knowledge; and by average performance of the type of source that has provided its altmetric values. The result show long tail behavior of the altmetric score, with most part of the articles with no online attention, while few articles have a high index. The average of the online attention indicates a better performance of articles written in English and belonging to the Health and Biological Sciences field of knowledge. As for the sources, there was a good performance from Mendeley followed by Twitter.El presente trabajo analiza el desempeño altmétrico de publicaciones brasileñas cuyos autores reciben becas de productividad en investigación (PQ) concedidas por el Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (CNPq). Se consideraron para el universo de la investigación los investigadores cuyas bolsas de PQ estaban vigentes en octubre de 2017 (n = 14.609). La producción científica registrada en el Currículo Lattes de estos autores fue recolectada por el GetLattesData, paquete del lenguaje R, y filtrada por artículos de revistas académicas publicadas entre 2016 y octubre de 2017 que poseía el Digital Object Identifier (n = 99064). Los datos de atención en línea se analizaron según su distribución por densidad y variación; idioma de publicación y área de conocimiento de los artículos. El rendimiento promedio por tipo de fuente de los datos de la altmetría también fue evaluado. La mayor parte de los artículos no presentó indicadores de atención en línea y muy pocos revelaron índices elevados. El mejor desempeño en la atención en línea fue verificado en las publicaciones en inglés de las áreas de Ciencias de la Salud y Ciencias Biológicas, con destaque para Mendeley y Twitter como fuentes del mayor número de menciones.O presente trabalho analisa o desempenho altmétrico de publicações brasileiras cujos autores recebam bolsas de produtividade em pesquisa (PQ) concedidas pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Foram considerados para o universo da pesquisa os pesquisadores cujas bolsas de PQ estavam vigentes em outubro de 2017 (n = 14.609). A produção científica registrada no Currículo Lattes desses autores foi coletada pelo GetLattesData, pacote da linguagem R, e filtrada por artigos de periódicos acadêmicos publicados entre 2016 e outubro de 2017 que possuíssem o Digital Object Identifier (n = 99064). Os dados de atenção online foram analisados segundo sua distribuição por densidade e variação; idioma de publicação e área de conhecimento dos artigos. O desempenho médio por tipo de fonte dos dados altmétricos também foi avaliado. A maior parte dos artigos não apresentou indicadores de atenção online e bem poucos revelaram índices elevados. O melhor desempenho na atenção online foi verificado nas publicações em inglês das áreas de Ciências da Saúde e Ciências Biológicas, com destaque para o Mendeley e Twitter como fontes do maior número de menções

    The Poor Altmetric Performance of Publications Authored by Researchers in Mainland China

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    China’s scientific output has risen precipitously over the past decade; it is now the world’s second-largest producer of scientific papers, behind only the United States. The quality of China’s research is also on the rise (Van Noorden, 2016). The online visibility and impact of China’s research are also important issues worth exploring. In this study, we investigate the altmetric performance of publications in the field of Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology and published by authors from Chinese affiliations. We find that papers published by those authors from Chinese affiliations have much lower visibility on the social web than articles from other countries, when there is no significant difference for the citations. Fewer of China’s publications get tweeted, and those tweeted publications attract less social attention. A geographical analysis of tweeters shows that scholarly articles get most of their social attention from the authors’ home countries, a finding that is also confirmed by correlation and regression analysis. This situation, which is unfavorable for researchers from Chinese affiliations, is caused, in part, by the inaccessibility of mainstream social networking platforms in mainland China

    Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes

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    Nowadays, open science is a hot topic on all levels and also is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. Components that are commonly associated with open science are open access, open data, open methodology, open source, open peer review, open science policies and citizen science. Open science may a great potential to connect and influence the practices of researchers, funding institutions and the public. In this paper, we evaluate the level of openness based on public surveys at four European life sciences institute