3 research outputs found

    The Optimal Location of Replicas in a Network Using a read-one-write-all Policy

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    We consider the problem of locating replicas in a network to minimize communications costs. Under the assumption that the READ-ONE-WRITE-ALL policy is used to ensure data consistency, an optimization problem is formulated in which the cost function estimates the total communications costs. The paper concentrates on the study of the optimal communications costs as a function of the (update) ratio between the frequency of the READ and WRITE operations. The problem is reformulated as a 0-1 LP and its connection to the p-median problem is explained. The general problem is proven to be NP-complete. For path graphs a dynamic programming algorithm is presented

    The optimal location of replicas in a network using a READ-ONE-WRITE-ALL policy

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    Development of new data partitioning and allocation algorithms for query optimization of distributed data warehouse systems

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    Distributed databases and in particular distributed data warehousing are becoming an increasingly important technology for information integration and data analysis. Data Warehouse (DW) systems are used by decision makers for performance measurement and decision support. However, although data warehousing and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) are essential elements of decision support, the OLAP query response time is strongly affected by the volume of data need to be accessed from storage disks. Data partitioning is one of the physical design techniques that may be used to optimize query processing cost in DWs. It is a non redundant optimization technique because it does not replicate data, contrary to redundant techniques like materialized views and indexes. The warehouse partitioning problem is concerned with determining the set of dimension tables to be partitioned and using them to generate the fact table fragments. In this work an enhanced grouping algorithm that avoids the limitations of some existing vertical partitioning algorithms is proposed. Furthermore, a static partitioning algorithm that allows fragmentation at early stages of schema design is presented. The thesis also, investigates the performance of the data warehouse after implementing a combination of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) techniques to horizontally partition the data warehouse star schema. It, then presents the experimentation and implementation results of the proposed algorithm. This research presented different approaches to optimize data fragments allocation cost using a greedy mathematical model and a combination of simulated annealing and genetic algorithm to determine the site by site allocation leading to optimal solutions for fragments distribution. Throughout this thesis, the term fragmentation and partitioning will be used interchangeably