203 research outputs found

    On the positive and negative inertia of weighted graphs

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    The number of the positive, negative and zero eigenvalues in the spectrum of the (edge)-weighted graph GG are called positive inertia index, negative inertia index and nullity of the weighted graph GG, and denoted by i+(G)i_+(G), i−(G)i_-(G), i0(G)i_0(G), respectively. In this paper, the positive and negative inertia index of weighted trees, weighted unicyclic graphs and weighted bicyclic graphs are discussed, the methods of calculating them are obtained.Comment: 12. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1107.0400 by other author

    The Nullity of Bicyclic Signed Graphs

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    Let \Gamma be a signed graph and let A(\Gamma) be the adjacency matrix of \Gamma. The nullity of \Gamma is the multiplicity of eigenvalue zero in the spectrum of A(\Gamma). In this paper we characterize the signed graphs of order n with nullity n-2 or n-3, and introduce a graph transformation which preserves the nullity. As an application we determine the unbalanced bicyclic signed graphs of order n with nullity n-3 or n-4, and signed bicyclic signed graphs (including simple bicyclic graphs) of order n with nullity n-5

    The extremal problems on the inertia of weighted bicyclic graphs

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    Let GwG_w be a weighted graph. The number of the positive, negative and zero eigenvalues in the spectrum of GwG_w are called positive inertia index, negative inertia index and nullity of GwG_w, and denoted by i+(Gw)i_{+}(G_w), i−(Gw)i_{-}(G_w), i0(Gw)i_{0}(G_w), respectively. In this paper, sharp lower bound on the positive (resp. negative) inertia index of weighted bicyclic graphs of order nn with pendant vertices is obtained. Moreover, all the weighted bicyclic graphs of order nn with at most two positive, two negative and at least n−4n-4 zero eigenvalues are identified, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1307.0059 by other author

    On the minimum rank of not necessarily symmetric matrices : a preliminary study

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    The minimum rank of a directed graph G is defined to be the smallest possible rank over all real matrices whose ijth entry is nonzero whenever (i, j) is an arc in G and is zero otherwise. The symmetric minimum rank of a simple graph G is defined to be the smallest possible rank over all symmetric real matrices whose ijth entry (for i _= j) is nonzero whenever {i, j} is an edge in G and is zero otherwise. Maximum nullity is equal to the difference between the order of the graph and minimum rank in either case. Definitions of various graph parameters used to bound symmetric maximum nullity, including path cover number and zero forcing number, are extended to digraphs, and additional parameters related to minimum rank are introduced. It is shown that for directed trees, maximum nullity, path cover number, and zero forcing number are equal, providing a method to compute minimum rank for directed trees. It is shown that the minimum rank problem for any given digraph or zero-nonzero pattern may be converted into a symmetric minimum rank problem

    A note on the minimum skew rank of a graph

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    The minimum skew rank mr−(F,G)mr^{-}(\mathbb{F},G) of a graph GG over a field F\mathbb{F} is the smallest possible rank among all skew symmetric matrices over F\mathbb{F}, whose (ii,jj)-entry (for i≠ji\neq j) is nonzero whenever ijij is an edge in GG and is zero otherwise. We give some new properties of the minimum skew rank of a graph, including a characterization of the graphs GG with cut vertices over the infinite field F\mathbb{F} such that mr−(F,G)=4mr^{-}(\mathbb{F},G)=4, determination of the minimum skew rank of kk-paths over a field F\mathbb{F}, and an extending of an existing result to show that mr−(F,G)=2match(G)=MR−(F,G)mr^{-}(\mathbb{F},G)=2match(G)=MR^{-}(\mathbb{F},G) for a connected graph GG with no even cycles and a field F\mathbb{F}, where match(G)match(G) is the matching number of GG, and MR−(F,G)MR^{-}(\mathbb{F},G) is the largest possible rank among all skew symmetric matrices over F\mathbb{F}

    Generalizations of the Strong Arnold Property and the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of a graph

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    For a given graph G and an associated class of real symmetric matrices whose off-diagonal entries are governed by the adjacencies in G, the collection of all possible spectra for such matrices is considered. Building on the pioneering work of Colin de Verdiere in connection with the Strong Arnold Property, two extensions are devised that target a better understanding of all possible spectra and their associated multiplicities. These new properties are referred to as the Strong Spectral Property and the Strong Multiplicity Property. Finally, these ideas are applied to the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues associated with G, denoted by q(G). The graphs for which q(G) is at least the number of vertices of G less one are characterized.Comment: 26 pages; corrected statement of Theorem 3.5 (a
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