55,681 research outputs found

    Outlier detection techniques for wireless sensor networks: A survey

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    In the field of wireless sensor networks, those measurements that significantly deviate from the normal pattern of sensed data are considered as outliers. The potential sources of outliers include noise and errors, events, and malicious attacks on the network. Traditional outlier detection techniques are not directly applicable to wireless sensor networks due to the nature of sensor data and specific requirements and limitations of the wireless sensor networks. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of existing outlier detection techniques specifically developed for the wireless sensor networks. Additionally, it presents a technique-based taxonomy and a comparative table to be used as a guideline to select a technique suitable for the application at hand based on characteristics such as data type, outlier type, outlier identity, and outlier degree

    Outlier Detection Techniques For Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

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    In the field of wireless sensor networks, measurements that significantly deviate from the normal pattern of sensed data are considered as outliers. The potential sources of outliers include noise and errors, events, and malicious attacks on the network. Traditional outlier detection techniques are not directly applicable to wireless sensor networks due to the multivariate nature of sensor data and specific requirements and limitations of the wireless sensor networks. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of existing outlier detection techniques specifically developed for the wireless sensor networks. Additionally, it presents a technique-based taxonomy and a decision tree to be used as a guideline to select a technique suitable for the application at hand based on characteristics such as data type, outlier type, outlier degree

    Data mining for detecting Bitcoin Ponzi schemes

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    Soon after its introduction in 2009, Bitcoin has been adopted by cyber-criminals, which rely on its pseudonymity to implement virtually untraceable scams. One of the typical scams that operate on Bitcoin are the so-called Ponzi schemes. These are fraudulent investments which repay users with the funds invested by new users that join the scheme, and implode when it is no longer possible to find new investments. Despite being illegal in many countries, Ponzi schemes are now proliferating on Bitcoin, and they keep alluring new victims, who are plundered of millions of dollars. We apply data mining techniques to detect Bitcoin addresses related to Ponzi schemes. Our starting point is a dataset of features of real-world Ponzi schemes, that we construct by analysing, on the Bitcoin blockchain, the transactions used to perform the scams. We use this dataset to experiment with various machine learning algorithms, and we assess their effectiveness through standard validation protocols and performance metrics. The best of the classifiers we have experimented can identify most of the Ponzi schemes in the dataset, with a low number of false positives

    Unsupervised Network Pretraining via Encoding Human Design

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    Over the years, computer vision researchers have spent an immense amount of effort on designing image features for the visual object recognition task. We propose to incorporate this valuable experience to guide the task of training deep neural networks. Our idea is to pretrain the network through the task of replicating the process of hand-designed feature extraction. By learning to replicate the process, the neural network integrates previous research knowledge and learns to model visual objects in a way similar to the hand-designed features. In the succeeding finetuning step, it further learns object-specific representations from labeled data and this boosts its classification power. We pretrain two convolutional neural networks where one replicates the process of histogram of oriented gradients feature extraction, and the other replicates the process of region covariance feature extraction. After finetuning, we achieve substantially better performance than the baseline methods.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, WACV 2016: IEEE Conference on Applications of Computer Visio

    A cognitive based Intrusion detection system

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    Intrusion detection is one of the primary mechanisms to provide computer networks with security. With an increase in attacks and growing dependence on various fields such as medicine, commercial, and engineering to give services over a network, securing networks have become a significant issue. The purpose of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is to make models which can recognize regular communications from abnormal ones and take necessary actions. Among different methods in this field, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been widely used. However, ANN-based IDS, has two main disadvantages: 1- Low detection precision. 2- Weak detection stability. To overcome these issues, this paper proposes a new approach based on Deep Neural Network (DNN. The general mechanism of our model is as follows: first, some of the data in dataset is properly ranked, afterwards, dataset is normalized with Min-Max normalizer to fit in the limited domain. Then dimensionality reduction is applied to decrease the amount of both useless dimensions and computational cost. After the preprocessing part, Mean-Shift clustering algorithm is the used to create different subsets and reduce the complexity of dataset. Based on each subset, two models are trained by Support Vector Machine (SVM) and deep learning method. Between two models for each subset, the model with a higher accuracy is chosen. This idea is inspired from philosophy of divide and conquer. Hence, the DNN can learn each subset quickly and robustly. Finally, to reduce the error from the previous step, an ANN model is trained to gain and use the results in order to be able to predict the attacks. We can reach to 95.4 percent of accuracy. Possessing a simple structure and less number of tunable parameters, the proposed model still has a grand generalization with a high level of accuracy in compared to other methods such as SVM, Bayes network, and STL.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Unlabeled Data Using Clustering

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    Intrusions pose a serious security risk in a network environment. New intrusion types, of which detection systems are unaware, are the most difficult to detect. The amount of available network audit data instances is usually large; human labeling is tedious, time-consuming, and expensive. Traditional anomaly detection algorithms require a set of purely normal data from which they train their model. We present a clustering-based intrusion detection algorithm, unsupervised anomaly detection, which trains on unlabeled data in order to detect new intrusions. Our method is able to detect many different types of intrusions, while maintaining a low false positive rate as verified over the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD CUP 1999 dataset