33 research outputs found

    Compactly supported radial basis functions: How and why?

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    Compactly supported basis functions are widely required and used in many applications. We explain why radial basis functions are preferred to multi-variate polynomials for scattered data approximation in high-dimensional space and give a brief description on how to construct the most commonly used compactly supported radial basis functions - the Wendland functions and the new found missing Wendland functions. One can construct a compactly supported radial basis function with required smoothness according to the procedure described here without sophisticated mathematics. Very short programs and extended tables for compactly supported radial basis functions are supplied

    Closed form representations and properties of the generalised Wendland functions

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    In this paper we investigate the generalisation of Wendland’s compactly supported radial basis functions to the case where the smoothness parameter is not assumed to be a positive integer or half-integer and the parameter ℓ, which is chosen to ensure positive definiteness, need not take on the minimal value. We derive sufficient and necessary conditions for the generalised Wendland functions to be positive definite and deduce the native spaces that they generate. We also provide closed form representations for the generalised Wendland functions in the case when the smoothness parameter is an integer and where the parameter ℓ is any suitable value that ensures positive definiteness, as well as closed form representations for the Fourier transform when the smoothness parameter is a positive integer or half-integer

    RBF multiscale collocation for second order elliptic boundary value problems

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    In this paper, we discuss multiscale radial basis function collocation methods for solving elliptic partial differential equations on bounded domains. The approximate solution is constructed in a multi-level fashion, each level using compactly supported radial basis functions of smaller scale on an increasingly fine mesh. On each level, standard symmetric collocation is employed. A convergence theory is given, which builds on recent theoretical advances for multiscale approximation using compactly supported radial basis functions. We are able to show that the convergence is linear in the number of levels. We also discuss the condition numbers of the arising systems and the effect of simple, diagonal preconditioners, now proving rigorously previous numerical observations