3 research outputs found

    The Minimal Polynomial over F_q of Linear Recurring Sequence over F_{q^m}

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    Recently, motivated by the study of vectorized stream cipher systems, the joint linear complexity and joint minimal polynomial of multisequences have been investigated. Let S be a linear recurring sequence over finite field F_{q^m} with minimal polynomial h(x) over F_{q^m}. Since F_{q^m} and F_{q}^m are isomorphic vector spaces over the finite field F_q, S is identified with an m-fold multisequence S^{(m)} over the finite field F_q. The joint minimal polynomial and joint linear complexity of the m-fold multisequence S^{(m)} are the minimal polynomial and linear complexity over F_q of S respectively. In this paper, we study the minimal polynomial and linear complexity over F_q of a linear recurring sequence S over F_{q^m} with minimal polynomial h(x) over F_{q^m}. If the canonical factorization of h(x) in F_{q^m}[x] is known, we determine the minimal polynomial and linear complexity over F_q of the linear recurring sequence S over F_{q^m}.Comment: Submitted to the journal Finite Fields and Their Application

    The minimal polynomial of sequence obtained from componentwise linear transformation of linear recurring sequence

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    Let S=(s1,s2,...,sm,...)S=(s_1,s_2,...,s_m,...) be a linear recurring sequence with terms in GF(qn)GF(q^n) and TT be a linear transformation of GF(qn)GF(q^n) over GF(q)GF(q). Denote T(S)=(T(s1),T(s2),...,T(sm),...)T(S)=(T(s_1),T(s_2),...,T(s_m),...). In this paper, we first present counter examples to show the main result in [A.M. Youssef and G. Gong, On linear complexity of sequences over GF(2n)GF(2^n), Theoretical Computer Science, 352(2006), 288-292] is not correct in general since Lemma 3 in that paper is incorrect. Then, we determine the minimal polynomial of T(S)T(S) if the canonical factorization of the minimal polynomial of SS without multiple roots is known and thus present the solution to the problem which was mainly considered in the above paper but incorrectly solved. Additionally, as a special case, we determine the minimal polynomial of T(S)T(S) if the minimal polynomial of SS is primitive. Finally, we give an upper bound on the linear complexity of T(S)T(S) when TT exhausts all possible linear transformations of GF(qn)GF(q^n) over GF(q)GF(q). This bound is tight in some cases.Comment: This paper was submitted to the journal Theoretical Computer Scienc

    Composed Products and Explicit Factors of Cyclotomic Polynomials over Finite Fields

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    Let q=psq = p^s be a power of a prime number pp and let Fq\mathbb{F}_q be the finite field with qq elements. In this paper we obtain the explicit factorization of the cyclotomic polynomial Ξ¦2nr\Phi_{2^nr} over Fq\mathbb{F}_q where both rβ‰₯3r \geq 3 and qq are odd, gcd⁑(q,r)=1\gcd(q,r) = 1, and n∈Nn\in \mathbb{N}. Previously, only the special cases when r=1,Β 3,Β 5r = 1,\ 3,\ 5 had been achieved. For this we make the assumption that the explicit factorization of Ξ¦r\Phi_r over Fq\mathbb{F}_q is given to us as a known. Let n=p1e1p2e2...psesn = p_1^{e_1}p_2^{e_2}... p_s^{e_s} be the factorization of n∈Nn \in \mathbb{N} into powers of distinct primes pi,Β 1≀i≀sp_i,\ 1\leq i \leq s. In the case that the orders of qq modulo all these prime powers pieip_i^{e_i} are pairwise coprime we show how to obtain the explicit factors of Ξ¦n\Phi_{n} from the factors of each Ξ¦piei\Phi_{p_i^{e_i}}. We also demonstrate how to obtain the factorization of Ξ¦mn\Phi_{mn} from the factorization of Ξ¦n\Phi_n when qq is a primitive root modulo mm and \gcd(m,n) = \gcd(\phi(m),\ord_n(q)) = 1. Here Ο•\phi is the Euler's totient function, and \ord_n(q) denotes the multiplicative order of qq modulo nn. Moreover, we present the construction of a new class of irreducible polynomials over Fq\mathbb{F}_q and generalize a result due to Varshamov (1984) \cite{Varshamov}.Comment: 24 page