4 research outputs found

    The maximum number of cliques in dense graphs

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    AbstractDenote the number of vertices of G by |G|. A clique of graph G is a maximal complete subgraph. The density Ο‰(G) is the number of vertices in the largest clique of G. If Ο‰(G)β©Ύ12|G|, then G has at most 2|G|βˆ’Ο‰(G) cliques. The extremal graphs are then examined as well

    On the generalized Tur\'an problem for odd cycles

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    In 1984, Erd\H{o}s conjectured that the number of pentagons in any triangle-free graph on nn vertices is at most (n/5)5(n/5)^5, which is sharp by the balanced blow-up of a pentagon. This was proved by Grzesik, and independently by Hatami, Hladk\'y, Kr\'al', Norine and Razborov. As an extension of this result for longer cycles, we prove that for each odd kβ‰₯7k\geq 7, the balanced blow-up of CkC_k (uniquely) maximises the number of kk-cycles among Ckβˆ’2C_{k-2}-free graphs on nn vertices, as long as nn is sufficiently large. We also show that this is no longer true if nn is not assumed to be sufficiently large. Our result strengthens results of Grzesik and Kielak who proved that for each odd kβ‰₯7k\geq 7, the balanced blow-up of CkC_k maximises the number of kk-cycles among graphs with a given number of vertices and no odd cycles of length less than kk. We further show that if kk and β„“\ell are odd and kk is sufficiently large compared to β„“\ell, then the balanced blow-up of Cβ„“+2C_{\ell+2} does not asymptotically maximise the number of kk-cycles among Cβ„“C_{\ell}-free graphs on nn vertices. This disproves a conjecture of Grzesik and Kielak.Comment: 15 page

    Many triangles with few edges

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    Extremal problems concerning the number of independent sets or complete subgraphs in a graph have been well studied in recent years. Cutler and Radcliffe proved that among graphs with n vertices and maximum degree at most r, where n = a(r + 1) + b and 0 ≀ b ≀ r, aKr+1 βˆͺ Kb has the maximum number of complete subgraphs, answering a question of Galvin. Gan, Loh and Sudakov conjectured that aKr+1 βˆͺKb also maximizes the number of complete subgraphs Kt for each fixed size t β‰₯3, and proved this for a = 1. Cutler and Radcliffe proved this conjecture for r ≀ 6. We investigate a variant of this problem where we fix the number of edges instead of the number of vertices. We prove that aKr+1 βˆͺC(b), where C(b) is the colex graph on b edges, maximizes the number of triangles among graphs with m edges and any fixed maximum degree r ≀ 8, where m = a(r+1 2 ) + b and 0 ≀ b < (r+1 2 ). Mathematics Subject Classifications: 05