2 research outputs found

    Symmetric majority rules

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    In the standard arrovian framework and under the assumption that individual preferences and social outcomes are linear orders on the set of alternatives, we study the rules which satisfy suitable symmetries and obey the majority principle. In particular, supposing that individuals and alternatives are exogenously partitioned into subcommittees and subclasses, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of reversal symmetric majority rules that are anonymous and neutral with respect to the considered partitions. We also determine a general method for constructing and counting those rules and we explicitly apply it to some simple cases

    Breaking ties in collective decision making

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    Many classical social preference (multiwinner social choice) correspondences are resolute only when two alternatives and an odd number of individuals are considered. Thus, they generally admit several resolute refinements, each of them naturally interpreted as a tie-breaking rule. In this paper we find out conditions which make a social preference (multiwinner social choice) correspondence admit a resolute refinement fulfilling suitable weak versions of the anonymity and neutrality principles, as well as reversal symmetry (immunity to the reversal bias)