19 research outputs found

    Finite sample performance of linear least squares estimators under sub-Gaussian martingale difference noise

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    Linear Least Squares is a very well known technique for parameter estimation, which is used even when sub-optimal, because of its very low computational requirements and the fact that exact knowledge of the noise statistics is not required. Surprisingly, bounding the probability of large errors with finitely many samples has been left open, especially when dealing with correlated noise with unknown covariance. In this paper we analyze the finite sample performance of the linear least squares estimator under sub-Gaussian martingale difference noise. In order to analyze this important question we used concentration of measure bounds. When applying these bounds we obtained tight bounds on the tail of the estimator's distribution. We show the fast exponential convergence of the number of samples required to ensure a given accuracy with high probability. We provide probability tail bounds on the estimation error's norm. Our analysis method is simple and uses simple L∞L_{\infty} type bounds on the estimation error. The tightness of the bounds is tested through simulation. The proposed bounds make it possible to predict the number of samples required for least squares estimation even when least squares is sub-optimal and used for computational simplicity. The finite sample analysis of least squares models with this general noise model is novel

    The Expected Norm of a Sum of Independent Random Matrices: An Elementary Approach

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    In contemporary applied and computational mathematics, a frequent challenge is to bound the expectation of the spectral norm of a sum of independent random matrices. This quantity is controlled by the norm of the expected square of the random matrix and the expectation of the maximum squared norm achieved by one of the summands; there is also a weak dependence on the dimension of the random matrix. The purpose of this paper is to give a complete, elementary proof of this important, but underappreciated, inequality.Comment: 20 page

    Sample average approximation with heavier tails II: localization in stochastic convex optimization and persistence results for the Lasso

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    We present exponential finite-sample nonasymptotic deviation inequalities for the SAA estimator's near-optimal solution set over the class of stochastic optimization problems with heavy-tailed random \emph{convex} functions in the objective and constraints. Such setting is better suited for problems where a sub-Gaussian data generating distribution is less expected, e.g., in stochastic portfolio optimization. One of our contributions is to exploit \emph{convexity} of the perturbed objective and the perturbed constraints as a property which entails \emph{localized} deviation inequalities for joint feasibility and optimality guarantees. This means that our bounds are significantly tighter in terms of diameter and metric entropy since they depend only on the near-optimal solution set but not on the whole feasible set. As a result, we obtain a much sharper sample complexity estimate when compared to a general nonconvex problem. In our analysis, we derive some localized deterministic perturbation error bounds for convex optimization problems which are of independent interest. To obtain our results, we only assume a metric regular convex feasible set, possibly not satisfying the Slater condition and not having a metric regular solution set. In this general setting, joint near feasibility and near optimality are guaranteed. If in addition the set satisfies the Slater condition, we obtain finite-sample simultaneous \emph{exact} feasibility and near optimality guarantees (for a sufficiently small tolerance). Another contribution of our work is to present, as a proof of concept of our localized techniques, a persistent result for a variant of the LASSO estimator under very weak assumptions on the data generating distribution.Comment: 34 pages. Some correction