82,281 research outputs found

    Syndeticity and independent substitutions

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    We associate in a canonical way a substitution to any abstract numeration system built on a regular language. In relationship with the growth order of the letters, we define the notion of two independent substitutions. Our main result is the following. If a sequence xx is generated by two independent substitutions, at least one being of exponential growth, then the factors of xx appearing infinitely often in xx appear with bounded gaps. As an application, we derive an analogue of Cobham's theorem for two independent substitutions (or abstract numeration systems) one with polynomial growth, the other being exponential

    Asymptotic properties of free monoid morphisms

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    Motivated by applications in the theory of numeration systems and recognizable sets of integers, this paper deals with morphic words when erasing morphisms are taken into account. Cobham showed that if an infinite word w=g(fω(a))w =g(f^\omega(a)) is the image of a fixed point of a morphism ff under another morphism gg, then there exist a non-erasing morphism σ\sigma and a coding τ\tau such that w=τ(σω(b))w =\tau(\sigma^\omega(b)). Based on the Perron theorem about asymptotic properties of powers of non-negative matrices, our main contribution is an in-depth study of the growth type of iterated morphisms when one replaces erasing morphisms with non-erasing ones. We also explicitly provide an algorithm computing σ\sigma and τ\tau from ff and gg.Comment: 25 page

    Existence versus Exploitation: The Opacity of Backbones and Backdoors Under a Weak Assumption

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    Backdoors and backbones of Boolean formulas are hidden structural properties. A natural goal, already in part realized, is that solver algorithms seek to obtain substantially better performance by exploiting these structures. However, the present paper is not intended to improve the performance of SAT solvers, but rather is a cautionary paper. In particular, the theme of this paper is that there is a potential chasm between the existence of such structures in the Boolean formula and being able to effectively exploit them. This does not mean that these structures are not useful to solvers. It does mean that one must be very careful not to assume that it is computationally easy to go from the existence of a structure to being able to get one's hands on it and/or being able to exploit the structure. For example, in this paper we show that, under the assumption that P \neq NP, there are easily recognizable families of Boolean formulas with strong backdoors that are easy to find, yet for which it is hard (in fact, NP-complete) to determine whether the formulas are satisfiable. We also show that, also under the assumption P \neq NP, there are easily recognizable sets of Boolean formulas for which it is hard (in fact, NP-complete) to determine whether they have a large backbone

    Complexity of Two-Dimensional Patterns

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    In dynamical systems such as cellular automata and iterated maps, it is often useful to look at a language or set of symbol sequences produced by the system. There are well-established classification schemes, such as the Chomsky hierarchy, with which we can measure the complexity of these sets of sequences, and thus the complexity of the systems which produce them. In this paper, we look at the first few levels of a hierarchy of complexity for two-or-more-dimensional patterns. We show that several definitions of ``regular language'' or ``local rule'' that are equivalent in d=1 lead to distinct classes in d >= 2. We explore the closure properties and computational complexity of these classes, including undecidability and L-, NL- and NP-completeness results. We apply these classes to cellular automata, in particular to their sets of fixed and periodic points, finite-time images, and limit sets. We show that it is undecidable whether a CA in d >= 2 has a periodic point of a given period, and that certain ``local lattice languages'' are not finite-time images or limit sets of any CA. We also show that the entropy of a d-dimensional CA's finite-time image cannot decrease faster than t^{-d} unless it maps every initial condition to a single homogeneous state.Comment: To appear in J. Stat. Phy