563 research outputs found

    Connection Matrices and the Definability of Graph Parameters

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    In this paper we extend and prove in detail the Finite Rank Theorem for connection matrices of graph parameters definable in Monadic Second Order Logic with counting (CMSOL) from B. Godlin, T. Kotek and J.A. Makowsky (2008) and J.A. Makowsky (2009). We demonstrate its vast applicability in simplifying known and new non-definability results of graph properties and finding new non-definability results for graph parameters. We also prove a Feferman-Vaught Theorem for the logic CFOL, First Order Logic with the modular counting quantifiers

    Chromatic thresholds in dense random graphs

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    The chromatic threshold δχ(H,p)\delta_\chi(H,p) of a graph HH with respect to the random graph G(n,p)G(n,p) is the infimum over d>0d > 0 such that the following holds with high probability: the family of HH-free graphs GG(n,p)G \subset G(n,p) with minimum degree δ(G)dpn\delta(G) \ge dpn has bounded chromatic number. The study of the parameter δχ(H):=δχ(H,1)\delta_\chi(H) := \delta_\chi(H,1) was initiated in 1973 by Erd\H{o}s and Simonovits, and was recently determined for all graphs HH. In this paper we show that δχ(H,p)=δχ(H)\delta_\chi(H,p) = \delta_\chi(H) for all fixed p(0,1)p \in (0,1), but that typically δχ(H,p)δχ(H)\delta_\chi(H,p) \ne \delta_\chi(H) if p=o(1)p = o(1). We also make significant progress towards determining δχ(H,p)\delta_\chi(H,p) for all graphs HH in the range p=no(1)p = n^{-o(1)}. In sparser random graphs the problem is somewhat more complicated, and is studied in a separate paper.Comment: 36 pages (including appendix), 1 figure; the appendix is copied with minor modifications from arXiv:1108.1746 for a self-contained proof of a technical lemma; accepted to Random Structures and Algorithm

    Chromatic roots are dense in the whole complex plane

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    I show that the zeros of the chromatic polynomials P-G(q) for the generalized theta graphs Theta((s.p)) are taken together, dense in the whole complex plane with the possible exception of the disc \q - l\ < l. The same holds for their dichromatic polynomials (alias Tutte polynomials, alias Potts-model partition functions) Z(G)(q,upsilon) outside the disc \q + upsilon\ < \upsilon\. An immediate corollary is that the chromatic roots of not-necessarily-planar graphs are dense in the whole complex plane. The main technical tool in the proof of these results is the Beraha-Kahane-Weiss theorem oil the limit sets of zeros for certain sequences of analytic functions, for which I give a new and simpler proof