1 research outputs found

    The Exact Channel Density and Compound Design for Generic Universal Switch Blocks

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    A switch block of k sides W terminals on each side is said to be universal (a (k, W)-USB) if it is routable for every set of 2-pin nets of channel density at most W. The generic optimum universal switch block design problem is to design a (k, W)-USB with the minimum number of switches for every pair of (k, W). This problem was first proposed and solved for k = 4 in Chang et al. [1996], and then solved for even W or for k ≀ 6 in Shyu et al. [2000] and Fan et al. [2002b]. No optimum (k, W)-USB is known for k β‰₯ 7 and odd W β‰₯ 3. But it is already known that when W is a large odd number, a near-optimum (k, W)-USB can be obtained by a disjoint union of (W βˆ’ f2(k))/2 copies of the optimum (k, 2)-USB and a noncompound (k, f2(k))-USB, where the value of f2(k) is unknown for k β‰₯ 8. In this article, we show that f2(k) = k+3βˆ’i 3, where 1 ≀ i ≀ 6 and i ≑ k (mod 6), and present an explicit design for the noncompound (k, f2(k))-USB. Combining these two results we obtain the exact designs of (k, W)-USBs for all k β‰₯ 7 and odd W β‰₯ 3. The new (k, W)-USB designs also yield an efficient detailed routing algorithm