17 research outputs found

    Yield--Optimized Superoscillations

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    Superoscillating signals are band--limited signals that oscillate in some region faster their largest Fourier component. While such signals have many scientific and technological applications, their actual use is hampered by the fact that an overwhelming proportion of the energy goes into that part of the signal, which is not superoscillating. In the present article we consider the problem of optimization of such signals. The optimization that we describe here is that of the superoscillation yield, the ratio of the energy in the superoscillations to the total energy of the signal, given the range and frequency of the superoscillations. The constrained optimization leads to a generalized eigenvalue problem, which is solved numerically. It is noteworthy that it is possible to increase further the superoscillation yield at the cost of slightly deforming the oscillatory part of the signal, while keeping the average frequency. We show, how this can be done gradually, which enables a trade-off between the distortion and the yield. We show how to apply this approach to non-trivial domains, and explain how to generalize this to higher dimensions.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Interference Energy Spectrum of the Infinite Square Well

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    Certain superposition states of the 1-D infinite square well have transient zeros at locations other than the nodes of the eigenstates that comprise them. It is shown that if an infinite potential barrier is suddenly raised at some or all of these zeros, the well can be split into multiple adjacent infinite square wells without affecting the wavefunction. This effects a change of the energy eigenbasis of the state to a basis that does not commute with the original, and a subsequent measurement of the energy now reveals a completely different spectrum, which we call the {interference energy spectrum} of the state. This name is appropriate because the same splitting procedure applied at the stationary nodes of any eigenstate does not change the measurable energy of the state. Of particular interest, this procedure can result in measurable energies that are greater than the energy of the highest mode in the original superposition, raising questions about the conservation of energy akin to those that have been raised in the study of superoscillations. An analytic derivation is given for the interference spectrum of a given wavefunction Ψ(x,t)\Psi(x,t) with NN known zeros located at points si=(xi,ti)s_i = (x_i, t_i). Numerical simulations were used to verify that a barrier can be rapidly raised at a zero of the wavefunction without significantly affecting it. The interpretation of this result with respect to the conservation of energy and the energy-time uncertainty relation is discussed, and the idea of alternate energy eigenbases is fleshed out. The question of whether or not a preferred discrete energy spectrum is an inherent feature of a particle's quantum state is examined.Comment: 26 Pages, 5 Figure

    Driving quantum systems with superoscillations

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