3 research outputs found

    Threshold-limited spreading in social networks with multiple initiators

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    A classical model for social-influence-driven opinion change is the threshold model. Here we study cascades of opinion change driven by threshold model dynamics in the case where multiple {\it initiators} trigger the cascade, and where all nodes possess the same adoption threshold Ï•\phi. Specifically, using empirical and stylized models of social networks, we study cascade size as a function of the initiator fraction pp. We find that even for arbitrarily high value of Ï•\phi, there exists a critical initiator fraction pc(Ï•)p_c(\phi) beyond which the cascade becomes global. Network structure, in particular clustering, plays a significant role in this scenario. Similarly to the case of single-node or single-clique initiators studied previously, we observe that community structure within the network facilitates opinion spread to a larger extent than a homogeneous random network. Finally, we study the efficacy of different initiator selection strategies on the size of the cascade and the cascade window

    The effect of zealotry in the naming game model of opinion dynamics

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