2 research outputs found

    Abstract Future Generation Computer Systems xxx (2004) xxx–xxx The design of a distributed MATLAB-based environment for computing pseudospectra

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    It has been documented in the literature that the pseudospectrum of a matrix is a powerful concept that broadens our understanding of phenomena based on matrix computations. When the matrix A is non-normal, however, the computation of the pseudospectrum becomes a very expensive computational task. Thus, the use of high performance computing resources becomes key to obtaining useful answers in acceptable amounts of time. In this work we describe the design and implementation of an environment that integrates a suite of state-of-the-art algorithms running on a cluster of workstations to enable the matrix pseudospectrum become a practical tool for scientists and engineers. The user interacts with the environment via the graphical user interface PPsGUI. The environment is constructed on top of CMTM, an existing environment that enables distributed computation via an MPI API forMATLAB