24 research outputs found

    The design and mathematical modelling of novel extensor bending pneumatic artificial muscles (EBPAMs) for soft exoskeletons

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    This article presents the development of a power augmentation and rehabilitation exoskeleton based on a novel actuator. The proposed soft actuators are extensor bending pneumatic artificial muscles. This type of soft actuator is derived from extending McKibben artificial muscles by reinforcing one side to prevent extension. This research has experimentally assessed the performance of this new actuator and an output force mathematical model for it has been developed. This new mathematical model based on the geometrical parameters of the extensor bending pneumatic artificial muscle determines the output force as a function of the input pressure. This model is examined experimentally for different actuator sizes. After promising initial experimental results, further model enhancements were made to improve the model of the proposed actuator. To demonstrate the new bending actuators a power augmentation and rehabilitation soft glove has been developed. This soft hand exoskeleton is able to fit any adult hand size without the need for any mechanical system changes or calibration. EMG signals from the human hand have been monitored to prove the performance of this new design of soft exoskeleton. This power augmentation and rehabilitation wearable robot has been shown to reduce the amount of muscles effort needed to perform a number of simple grasps

    Wearable exoskeleton systems based-on pneumatic soft actuators and controlled by parallel processing

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    Human assistance innovation is essential in an increasingly aging society and one technology that may be applicable is exoskeletons. However, traditional rigid exoskeletons have many drawbacks. This research includes the design and implementation of upper-limb power assist and rehabilitation exoskeletons based on pneumatic soft actuators. A novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle has been designed and constructed. This new actuator has bidirectional action, allowing it to both extend and contract, as well as create force in both directions. A mathematical model has been developed for the new novel actuator which depicts the output force of the actuator. Another new design has been used to create a novel bending pneumatic muscle, based on an extending McKibben muscle and modelled mathematically according to its geometric parameters. This novel bending muscle design has been used to create two versions of power augmentation gloves. These exoskeletons are controlled by adaptive controllers using human intention. For finger rehabilitation a glove has been developed to bend the fingers (full bending) by using our novel bending muscles. Inspired by the zero position (straight fingers) problem for post-stroke patients, a new controllable stiffness bending actuator has been developed with a novel prototype. To control this new rehabilitation exoskeleton, online and offline controller systems have been designed for the hand exoskeleton and the results have been assessed experimentally. Another new design of variable stiffness actuator, which controls the bending segment, has been developed to create a new version of hand exoskeletons in order to achieve more rehabilitation movements in the same single glove. For Forearm rehabilitation, a rehabilitation exoskeleton has been developed for pronation and supination movements by using the novel extensor-contractor pneumatic muscle. For the Elbow rehabilitation an elbow rehabilitation exoskeleton was designed which relies on novel two-directional bending actuators with online and offline feedback controllers. Lastly for upper-limb joint is the wrist, we designed a novel all-directional bending actuator by using the moulding bladder to develop the wrist rehabilitation exoskeleton by a single all-directional bending muscle. Finally, a totally portable, power assistive and rehabilitative prototype has been developed using a parallel processing intelligent control chip

    A circular pneumatic muscle actuator (CPMA) inspired by human skeletal muscles

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    This paper illustrates the design, implementation and kinematics of a novel circular pneumatic muscle actuator (CPMA), inspired by the skeletal muscles of a human. The variation of the inner diameter of this actuator is a unique feature. Furthermore, CPMA produces a radial force towards its centre by increasing the diameter of the actuator itself in addition to the reduction in the inner diameter. These performances make the presented actuator suitable to use in numerous applications. The grasping by a soft gripper is chosen as an application to design an efficient soft gripper by using single and multiple CPMAs

    A Novel Variable Stiffness Compound Extensor-Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (CE-PAM): Design and Mathematical Model

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    Pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs) have been exploited in robots utilized in various fields, including industry and medicine, due to their numerous advantages, such as their light weight; smooth, fast responses; and ability to generate significant force when fully extended. The actuator’s stiffness is important in these applications, and extensor PAMs (EPAMs) have a lower stiffness when compared to contractor PAMs (CPAMs). Because of this, this research presents the compound extensor PAM (CE-PAM), which is a novel actuator that has higher stiffness and can alter its stiffness at a fixed length or maintain a fixed stiffness at a variable length. This makes it useful in applications such as surgery robots and wearable robots. The CE-PAM is created by inserting the CPAM into the EPAM. Then, a mathematical model is developed to calculate the output force using several mathematical equations that relate the force, actuator size, and applied pressure to each other. The force is also calculated experimentally, and when comparing the mathematical with the experimental results, the error percentage appears greater than 20%. So the mathematical model is enhanced by calculating the wasted energy consumed by the actuator before the start of the bladder’s expansion, at which the force is zero because the pressure is consumed only for bladder expansion to touch the sleeve. The effect of the bladder’s thickness is calculated to further enhance the model by calculating the volume of air entering the muscle rather than the total muscle volume. To illustrate the effect of thickness on the actuator, experiments are conducted on CPAMs made of the same bladder material but with different thicknesses. A balloon is used in the manufacture of the bladder. Because it is a lightweight, thin material with a low thickness, it requires very low pressure to expand

    The design and mathematical model of a novel variable stiffness extensor-contractor pneumatic artificial muscle

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    This article presents the design of a novel Extensor-Contractor Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (ECPAM). This new actuator has numerous advantages over traditional pneumatic artificial muscles. These include the ability to both contract and extend relative to a nominal initial length, the ability to generate both contraction and extension forces and the ability to vary stiffness at any actuator length. A kinematic analysis of the ECPAM is presented in this article. A new output force mathematical model has been developed for the ECPAM based on its kinematic analysis and the theory of energy conservation. The correlation between experimental results and the new mathematical model has been investigated and show good correlation. Numerous stiffness experiments have been conducted to validate the variable stiffness ability of the actuator at a series of specific fixed lengths. This has proven that actuator stiffness can be adjusted independently of actuator length. Finally a stiffness-position controller has been developed to validate the effectiveness of the novel actuator

    Vision-Based Soft Mobile Robot Inspired by Silkworm Body and Movement Behavior

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    Designing an inexpensive, low-noise, safe for individual, mobile robot with an efficient vision system represents a challenge. This paper proposes a soft mobile robot inspired by the silkworm body structure and moving behavior. Two identical pneumatic artificial muscles (PAM) have been used to design the body of the robot by sewing the PAMs longitudinally. The proposed robot moves forward, left, and right in steps depending on the relative contraction ratio of the actuators. The connection between the two artificial muscles gives the steering performance at different air pressures of each PAM. A camera (eye) integrated into the proposed soft robot helps it to control its motion and direction. The silkworm soft robot detects a specific object and tracks it continuously. The proposed vision system is used to help with automatic tracking based on deep learning platforms with real-time live IR camera. The object detection platform, named, YOLOv3 is used effectively to solve the challenge of detecting high-speed tiny objects like Tennis balls. The model is trained with a dataset consisting of images of   Tennis balls. The work is simulated with Google Colab and then tested in real-time on an embedded device mated with a fast GPU called Jetson Nano development kit. The presented object follower robot is cheap, fast-tracking, and friendly to the environment. The system reaches a 99% accuracy rate during training and testing. Validation results are obtained and recorded to prove the effectiveness of this novel silkworm soft robot. The research contribution is designing and implementing a soft mobile robot with an effective vision system

    Highly Manoeuvrable Eversion Robot Based on Fusion of Function with Structure

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    Despite their soft and compliant bodies, most of today’s soft robots have limitations when it comes to elongation or extension of their main structure. In contrast to this, a new type of soft robot called the eversion robot can grow longitudinally, exploiting the principle of eversion. Eversion robots can squeeze through narrow openings, giving the possibility to access places that are inaccessible by conventional robots. The main drawback of these types of robots is their limited bending capability due to the tendency to move along a straight line. In this paper, we propose a novel way to fuse bending actuation with the robot’s structure. We devise an eversion robot whose body forms both the central chamber that acts as the backbone as well as the actuators that cause bending and manoeuvre the manipulator. The proposed technique shows a significantly improved bending capability compared to externally attaching actuators to an eversion robot showing a 133% improvement in bending angle. Due to the increased manoeuvrability, the proposed solution is a step towards the employment of eversion robots in remote and difficult-to-access environments

    Forward Kinematics Based Prediction for Bending Motion of Soft Pneumatic Actuators with Various Air Chambers

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    This study proposes a forward kinematic model for soft actuators that utilize pneumatic control to predict their bending motion, which is simulated using Ansys software. Firstly, a bending motion test is conducted with a 2-air chamber actuator to derive an equation that establishes the relationship between the bending angle and input pressure. Next, a serial model for the overall soft actuator is developed using forward kinematics with the DH method. The angle variables in the soft actuator are then replaced with an equation that relates the deformed angle and compressed air. Finally, the proposed serial model is used to predict the bending motion of 4-air and 6-air chamber actuators, and the results are compared to simulations and real experiments. The comparison shows that the proposed model could accurately predict the bending motion of the real actuators within an acceptable tolerance of 10%