1 research outputs found

    The cross-correlation distribution of a pp-ary mm-sequence of period p2mβˆ’1p^{2m}-1 and its decimation by (pm+1)22(pe+1)\frac{(p^{m}+1)^{2}}{2(p^{e}+1)}

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    Let n=2mn=2m, mm odd, e∣me|m, and pp odd prime with $p\equiv1\ \mathrm{mod}\ 4.Let. Let d=\frac{(p^{m}+1)^{2}}{2(p^{e}+1)}.Inthispaper,westudythecrossβˆ’correlationbetweena. In this paper, we study the cross-correlation between a pβˆ’ary-ary mβˆ’sequence-sequence \{s_{t}\}ofperiod of period p^{2m}-1anditsdecimation and its decimation \{s_{dt}\}.Ourresultshowsthatthecrossβˆ’correlationfunctionissixβˆ’valuedandthatittakesthevaluesin. Our result shows that the cross-correlation function is six-valued and that it takes the values in \{-1,\ \pm p^{m}-1,\ \frac{1\pm p^{\frac{e}{2}}}{2}p^{m}-1,\ \frac{(1- p^{e})}{2}p^{m}-1\}$. Also, the distribution of the cross-correlation is completely determined