254,982 research outputs found

    Unified View of Matrix Completion under General Structural Constraints

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    In this paper, we present a unified analysis of matrix completion under general low-dimensional structural constraints induced by {\em any} norm regularization. We consider two estimators for the general problem of structured matrix completion, and provide unified upper bounds on the sample complexity and the estimation error. Our analysis relies on results from generic chaining, and we establish two intermediate results of independent interest: (a) in characterizing the size or complexity of low dimensional subsets in high dimensional ambient space, a certain partial complexity measure encountered in the analysis of matrix completion problems is characterized in terms of a well understood complexity measure of Gaussian widths, and (b) it is shown that a form of restricted strong convexity holds for matrix completion problems under general norm regularization. Further, we provide several non-trivial examples of structures included in our framework, notably the recently proposed spectral kk-support norm.Comment: published in NIPS 2015. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28, 201

    Sparse Group Inductive Matrix Completion

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    We consider the problem of matrix completion with side information (\textit{inductive matrix completion}). In real-world applications many side-channel features are typically non-informative making feature selection an important part of the problem. We incorporate feature selection into inductive matrix completion by proposing a matrix factorization framework with group-lasso regularization on side feature parameter matrices. We demonstrate, that the theoretical sample complexity for the proposed method is much lower compared to its competitors in sparse problems, and propose an efficient optimization algorithm for the resulting low-rank matrix completion problem with sparsifying regularizers. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that the proposed approach outperforms other methods

    Accelerated and Inexact Soft-Impute for Large-Scale Matrix and Tensor Completion

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    Matrix and tensor completion aim to recover a low-rank matrix / tensor from limited observations and have been commonly used in applications such as recommender systems and multi-relational data mining. A state-of-the-art matrix completion algorithm is Soft-Impute, which exploits the special "sparse plus low-rank" structure of the matrix iterates to allow efficient SVD in each iteration. Though Soft-Impute is a proximal algorithm, it is generally believed that acceleration destroys the special structure and is thus not useful. In this paper, we show that Soft-Impute can indeed be accelerated without comprising this structure. To further reduce the iteration time complexity, we propose an approximate singular value thresholding scheme based on the power method. Theoretical analysis shows that the proposed algorithm still enjoys the fast O(1/T2)O(1/T^2) convergence rate of accelerated proximal algorithms. We further extend the proposed algorithm to tensor completion with the scaled latent nuclear norm regularizer. We show that a similar "sparse plus low-rank" structure also exists, leading to low iteration complexity and fast O(1/T2)O(1/T^2) convergence rate. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is much faster than Soft-Impute and other state-of-the-art matrix and tensor completion algorithms.Comment: Journal version of previous conference paper 'Accelerated inexact soft-impute for fast large-scale matrix completion' appeared at IJCAI 201

    Recommendation via matrix completion using Kolmogorov complexity

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    A usual way to model a recommendation system is as a matrix completion problem. There are several matrix completion methods, typically using optimization approaches or collaborative filtering. Most approaches assume that the matrix is either low rank, or that there are a small number of latent variables that encode the full problem. Here, we propose a novel matrix completion algorithm for recommendation systems, without any assumptions on the rank and that is model free, i.e., the entries are not assumed to be a function of some latent variables. Instead, we use a technique akin to information theory. Our method performs hybrid neighborhood-based collaborative filtering using Kolmogorov complexity. It decouples the matrix completion into a vector completion problem for each user. The recommendation for one user is thus independent of the recommendation for other users. This makes the algorithm scalable because the computations are highly parallelizable. Our results are competitive with state-of-the-art approaches on both synthetic and real-world dataset benchmarks.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    A Geometric Approach to Low-Rank Matrix Completion

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    The low-rank matrix completion problem can be succinctly stated as follows: given a subset of the entries of a matrix, find a low-rank matrix consistent with the observations. While several low-complexity algorithms for matrix completion have been proposed so far, it remains an open problem to devise search procedures with provable performance guarantees for a broad class of matrix models. The standard approach to the problem, which involves the minimization of an objective function defined using the Frobenius metric, has inherent difficulties: the objective function is not continuous and the solution set is not closed. To address this problem, we consider an optimization procedure that searches for a column (or row) space that is geometrically consistent with the partial observations. The geometric objective function is continuous everywhere and the solution set is the closure of the solution set of the Frobenius metric. We also preclude the existence of local minimizers, and hence establish strong performance guarantees, for special completion scenarios, which do not require matrix incoherence or large matrix size.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Computational Limits for Matrix Completion

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    Matrix Completion is the problem of recovering an unknown real-valued low-rank matrix from a subsample of its entries. Important recent results show that the problem can be solved efficiently under the assumption that the unknown matrix is incoherent and the subsample is drawn uniformly at random. Are these assumptions necessary? It is well known that Matrix Completion in its full generality is NP-hard. However, little is known if make additional assumptions such as incoherence and permit the algorithm to output a matrix of slightly higher rank. In this paper we prove that Matrix Completion remains computationally intractable even if the unknown matrix has rank 44 but we are allowed to output any constant rank matrix, and even if additionally we assume that the unknown matrix is incoherent and are shown 9090% of the entries. This result relies on the conjectured hardness of the 44-Coloring problem. We also consider the positive semidefinite Matrix Completion problem. Here we show a similar hardness result under the standard assumption that P≠NP.\mathrm{P}\ne \mathrm{NP}. Our results greatly narrow the gap between existing feasibility results and computational lower bounds. In particular, we believe that our results give the first complexity-theoretic justification for why distributional assumptions are needed beyond the incoherence assumption in order to obtain positive results. On the technical side, we contribute several new ideas on how to encode hard combinatorial problems in low-rank optimization problems. We hope that these techniques will be helpful in further understanding the computational limits of Matrix Completion and related problems

    Algebraic Variety Models for High-Rank Matrix Completion

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    We consider a generalization of low-rank matrix completion to the case where the data belongs to an algebraic variety, i.e. each data point is a solution to a system of polynomial equations. In this case the original matrix is possibly high-rank, but it becomes low-rank after mapping each column to a higher dimensional space of monomial features. Many well-studied extensions of linear models, including affine subspaces and their union, can be described by a variety model. In addition, varieties can be used to model a richer class of nonlinear quadratic and higher degree curves and surfaces. We study the sampling requirements for matrix completion under a variety model with a focus on a union of affine subspaces. We also propose an efficient matrix completion algorithm that minimizes a convex or non-convex surrogate of the rank of the matrix of monomial features. Our algorithm uses the well-known "kernel trick" to avoid working directly with the high-dimensional monomial matrix. We show the proposed algorithm is able to recover synthetically generated data up to the predicted sampling complexity bounds. The proposed algorithm also outperforms standard low rank matrix completion and subspace clustering techniques in experiments with real data

    Symmetric Tensor Completion from Multilinear Entries and Learning Product Mixtures over the Hypercube

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    We give an algorithm for completing an order-mm symmetric low-rank tensor from its multilinear entries in time roughly proportional to the number of tensor entries. We apply our tensor completion algorithm to the problem of learning mixtures of product distributions over the hypercube, obtaining new algorithmic results. If the centers of the product distribution are linearly independent, then we recover distributions with as many as Ω(n)\Omega(n) centers in polynomial time and sample complexity. In the general case, we recover distributions with as many as Ω~(n)\tilde\Omega(n) centers in quasi-polynomial time, answering an open problem of Feldman et al. (SIAM J. Comp.) for the special case of distributions with incoherent bias vectors. Our main algorithmic tool is the iterated application of a low-rank matrix completion algorithm for matrices with adversarially missing entries.Comment: Removed adversarial matrix completion algorithm after discovering that our matrix completion results can be derived from prior wor

    Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models

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    In this paper we study methods for estimating causal effects in settings with panel data, where some units are exposed to a treatment during some periods and the goal is estimating counterfactual (untreated) outcomes for the treated unit/period combinations. We develop a class of matrix completion estimators that uses the observed elements of the matrix of control outcomes corresponding to untreated unit/periods to impute the "missing" elements of the control outcome matrix, corresponding to treated units/periods. The approach estimates a matrix that well-approximates the original (incomplete) matrix, but has lower complexity according to the nuclear norm for matrices. We generalize results from the matrix completion literature by allowing the patterns of missing data to have a time series dependency structure. We present novel insights concerning the connections between the matrix completion literature, the literature on interactive fixed effects models and the literatures on program evaluation under unconfoundedness and synthetic control methods. We show that all these estimators can be viewed as focusing on the same objective function. They differ in the way they deal with lack of identification, in some cases solely through regularization (our proposed nuclear norm matrix completion estimator) and in other cases primarily through imposing hard restrictions (the unconfoundedness and synthetic control approaches). proposed method outperforms unconfoundedness-based or synthetic control estimators

    Sample Complexity of Power System State Estimation using Matrix Completion

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    In this paper, we propose an analytical framework to quantify the amount of data samples needed to obtain accurate state estimation in a power system - a problem known as sample complexity analysis in computer science. Motivated by the increasing adoption of distributed energy resources into the distribution-level grids, it becomes imperative to estimate the state of distribution grids in order to ensure stable operation. Traditional power system state estimation techniques mainly focus on the transmission network which involve solving an overdetermined system and eliminating bad data. However, distribution networks are typically underdetermined due to the large number of connection points and high cost of pervasive installation of measurement devices. In this paper, we consider the recently proposed state-estimation method for underdetermined systems that is based on matrix completion. In particular, a constrained matrix completion algorithm was proposed, wherein the standard matrix completion problem is augmented with additional equality constraints representing the physics (namely power-flow constraints). We analyze the sample complexity of this general method by proving an upper bound on the sample complexity that depends directly on the properties of these constraints that can lower number of needed samples as compared to the unconstrained problem. To demonstrate the improvement that the constraints add to distribution state estimation, we test the method on a 141-bus distribution network case study and compare it to the traditional least squares minimization state estimation method
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