6,325 research outputs found

    On the Public Communication Needed to Achieve SK Capacity in the Multiterminal Source Model

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    The focus of this paper is on the public communication required for generating a maximal-rate secret key (SK) within the multiterminal source model of Csisz{\'a}r and Narayan. Building on the prior work of Tyagi for the two-terminal scenario, we derive a lower bound on the communication complexity, RSKR_{\text{SK}}, defined to be the minimum rate of public communication needed to generate a maximal-rate SK. It is well known that the minimum rate of communication for omniscience, denoted by RCOR_{\text{CO}}, is an upper bound on RSKR_{\text{SK}}. For the class of pairwise independent network (PIN) models defined on uniform hypergraphs, we show that a certain "Type S\mathcal{S}" condition, which is verifiable in polynomial time, guarantees that our lower bound on RSKR_{\text{SK}} meets the RCOR_{\text{CO}} upper bound. Thus, PIN models satisfying our condition are RSKR_{\text{SK}}-maximal, meaning that the upper bound RSKRCOR_{\text{SK}} \le R_{\text{CO}} holds with equality. This allows us to explicitly evaluate RSKR_{\text{SK}} for such PIN models. We also give several examples of PIN models that satisfy our Type S\mathcal S condition. Finally, we prove that for an arbitrary multiterminal source model, a stricter version of our Type S\mathcal S condition implies that communication from \emph{all} terminals ("omnivocality") is needed for establishing a SK of maximum rate. For three-terminal source models, the converse is also true: omnivocality is needed for generating a maximal-rate SK only if the strict Type S\mathcal S condition is satisfied. Counterexamples exist that show that the converse is not true in general for source models with four or more terminals.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0062

    On the Communication Complexity of Secret Key Generation in the Multiterminal Source Model

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    Communication complexity refers to the minimum rate of public communication required for generating a maximal-rate secret key (SK) in the multiterminal source model of Csiszar and Narayan. Tyagi recently characterized this communication complexity for a two-terminal system. We extend the ideas in Tyagi's work to derive a lower bound on communication complexity in the general multiterminal setting. In the important special case of the complete graph pairwise independent network (PIN) model, our bound allows us to determine the exact linear communication complexity, i.e., the communication complexity when the communication and SK are restricted to be linear functions of the randomness available at the terminals.Comment: A 5-page version of this manuscript will be submitted to the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2014

    On the Optimality of Secret Key Agreement via Omniscience

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    For the multiterminal secret key agreement problem under a private source model, it is known that the maximum key rate, i.e., the secrecy capacity, can be achieved through communication for omniscience, but the omniscience strategy can be strictly suboptimal in terms of minimizing the public discussion rate. While a single-letter characterization is not known for the minimum discussion rate needed for achieving the secrecy capacity, we derive single-letter lower and upper bounds that yield some simple conditions for omniscience to be discussion-rate optimal. These conditions turn out to be enough to deduce the optimality of omniscience for a large class of sources including the hypergraphical sources. Through conjectures and examples, we explore other source models to which our methods do not easily extend


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    This dissertation deals with a multiterminal source model for secret key generation by multiple network terminals with prior and privileged access to a set of correlated signals complemented by public discussion among themselves. Emphasis is placed on a characterization of secret key capacity, i.e., the largest rate of an achievable secret key, and on algorithms for key construction. Various information theoretic security requirements of increasing stringency: weak, strong and perfect secrecy, as well as different types of sources: finite-valued and continuous, are studied. Specifically, three different models are investigated. First, we consider strong secrecy generation for a discrete multiterminal source model. We discover a connection between secret key capacity and a new source coding concept of ``minimum information rate for signal dissemination,'' that is of independent interest in multiterminal data compression. Our main contribution is to show for this discrete model that structured linear codes suffice to generate a strong secret key of the best rate. Second, strong secrecy generation is considered for models with continuous observations, in particular jointly Gaussian signals. In the absence of suitable analogs of source coding notions for the previous discrete model, new techniques are required for a characterization of secret key capacity as well as for the design of algorithms for secret key generation. Our proof of the secret key capacity result, in particular the converse proof, as well as our capacity-achieving algorithms for secret key construction based on structured codes and quantization for a model with two terminals, constitute the two main contributions for this second model. Last, we turn our attention to perfect secrecy generation for fixed signal observation lengths as well as for their asymptotic limits. In contrast with the analysis of the previous two models that relies on probabilistic techniques, perfect secret key generation bears the essence of ``zero-error information theory,'' and accordingly, we rely on mathematical techniques of a combinatorial nature. The model under consideration is the ``Pairwise Independent Network'' (PIN) model in which every pair of terminals share a random binary string, with the strings shared by distinct pairs of terminals being mutually independent. This model, which is motivated by practical aspects of a wireless communication network in which terminals communicate on the same frequency, results in three main contributions. First, the concept of perfect omniscience in data compression leads to a single-letter formula for the perfect secret key capacity of the PIN model; moreover, this capacity is shown to be achieved by linear noninteractive public communication, and coincides with strong secret key capacity. Second, taking advantage of a multigraph representation of the PIN model, we put forth an efficient algorithm for perfect secret key generation based on a combinatorial concept of maximal packing of Steiner trees of the multigraph. When all the terminals seek to share perfect secrecy, the algorithm is shown to achieve capacity. When only a subset of terminals wish to share perfect secrecy, the algorithm is shown to achieve at least half of it. Additionally, we obtain nonasymptotic and asymptotic bounds on the size and rate of the best perfect secret key generated by the algorithm. These bounds are of independent interest from a purely graph theoretic viewpoint as they constitute new estimates for the maximum size and rate of Steiner tree packing of a given multigraph. Third, a particular configuration of the PIN model arises when a lone ``helper'' terminal aids all the other ``user'' terminals generate perfect secrecy. This model has special features that enable us to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for Steiner tree packing to achieve perfect secret key capacity

    Performance Prediction of Nonbinary Forward Error Correction in Optical Transmission Experiments

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    In this paper, we compare different metrics to predict the error rate of optical systems based on nonbinary forward error correction (FEC). It is shown that the correct metric to predict the performance of coded modulation based on nonbinary FEC is the mutual information. The accuracy of the prediction is verified in a detailed example with multiple constellation formats, FEC overheads in both simulations and optical transmission experiments over a recirculating loop. It is shown that the employed FEC codes must be universal if performance prediction based on thresholds is used. A tutorial introduction into the computation of the threshold from optical transmission measurements is also given.Comment: submitted to IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technolog