519,220 research outputs found

    A Generalizable Deep Learning System for Cardiac MRI

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    Cardiac MRI allows for a comprehensive assessment of myocardial structure, function, and tissue characteristics. Here we describe a foundational vision system for cardiac MRI, capable of representing the breadth of human cardiovascular disease and health. Our deep learning model is trained via self-supervised contrastive learning, by which visual concepts in cine-sequence cardiac MRI scans are learned from the raw text of the accompanying radiology reports. We train and evaluate our model on data from four large academic clinical institutions in the United States. We additionally showcase the performance of our models on the UK BioBank, and two additional publicly available external datasets. We explore emergent zero-shot capabilities of our system, and demonstrate remarkable performance across a range of tasks; including the problem of left ventricular ejection fraction regression, and the diagnosis of 35 different conditions such as cardiac amyloidosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. We show that our deep learning system is capable of not only understanding the staggering complexity of human cardiovascular disease, but can be directed towards clinical problems of interest yielding impressive, clinical grade diagnostic accuracy with a fraction of the training data typically required for such tasks.Comment: 21 page main manuscript, 4 figures. Supplementary Appendix and code will be made available on publicatio

    Optimal Index Codes via a Duality between Index Coding and Network Coding

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    In Index Coding, the goal is to use a broadcast channel as efficiently as possible to communicate information from a source to multiple receivers which can possess some of the information symbols at the source as side-information. In this work, we present a duality relationship between index coding (IC) and multiple-unicast network coding (NC). It is known that the IC problem can be represented using a side-information graph GG (with number of vertices nn equal to the number of source symbols). The size of the maximum acyclic induced subgraph, denoted by MAISMAIS is a lower bound on the \textit{broadcast rate}. For IC problems with MAIS=n−1MAIS=n-1 and MAIS=n−2MAIS=n-2, prior work has shown that binary (over F2{\mathbb F}_2) linear index codes achieve the MAISMAIS lower bound for the broadcast rate and thus are optimal. In this work, we use the the duality relationship between NC and IC to show that for a class of IC problems with MAIS=n−3MAIS=n-3, binary linear index codes achieve the MAISMAIS lower bound on the broadcast rate. In contrast, it is known that there exists IC problems with MAIS=n−3MAIS=n-3 and optimal broadcast rate strictly greater than MAISMAIS

    Algorithm and Complexity for a Network Assortativity Measure

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    We show that finding a graph realization with the minimum Randi\'c index for a given degree sequence is solvable in polynomial time by formulating the problem as a minimum weight perfect b-matching problem. However, the realization found via this reduction is not guaranteed to be connected. Approximating the minimum weight b-matching problem subject to a connectivity constraint is shown to be NP-Hard. For instances in which the optimal solution to the minimum Randi\'c index problem is not connected, we describe a heuristic to connect the graph using pairwise edge exchanges that preserves the degree sequence. In our computational experiments, the heuristic performs well and the Randi\'c index of the realization after our heuristic is within 3% of the unconstrained optimal value on average. Although we focus on minimizing the Randi\'c index, our results extend to maximizing the Randi\'c index as well. Applications of the Randi\'c index to synchronization of neuronal networks controlling respiration in mammals and to normalizing cortical thickness networks in diagnosing individuals with dementia are provided.Comment: Added additional section on application

    Representations of the Multicast Network Problem

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    We approach the problem of linear network coding for multicast networks from different perspectives. We introduce the notion of the coding points of a network, which are edges of the network where messages combine and coding occurs. We give an integer linear program that leads to choices of paths through the network that minimize the number of coding points. We introduce the code graph of a network, a simplified directed graph that maintains the information essential to understanding the coding properties of the network. One of the main problems in network coding is to understand when the capacity of a multicast network is achieved with linear network coding over a finite field of size q. We explain how this problem can be interpreted in terms of rational points on certain algebraic varieties.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure

    Improving the scalability of parallel N-body applications with an event driven constraint based execution model

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    The scalability and efficiency of graph applications are significantly constrained by conventional systems and their supporting programming models. Technology trends like multicore, manycore, and heterogeneous system architectures are introducing further challenges and possibilities for emerging application domains such as graph applications. This paper explores the space of effective parallel execution of ephemeral graphs that are dynamically generated using the Barnes-Hut algorithm to exemplify dynamic workloads. The workloads are expressed using the semantics of an Exascale computing execution model called ParalleX. For comparison, results using conventional execution model semantics are also presented. We find improved load balancing during runtime and automatic parallelism discovery improving efficiency using the advanced semantics for Exascale computing.Comment: 11 figure
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