14,392 research outputs found

    Orthogonal Colourings of Cayley Graphs

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    Two colourings of a graph are orthogonal if they have the property that when two vertices are coloured with the same colour in one colouring, then those vertices receive distinct colours in the other colouring. In this paper, orthogonal colourings of Cayley graphs are discussed. Firstly, the orthogonal chromatic number of cycle graphs are completely determined. Secondly, the orthogonal chromatic number of certain circulant graphs is explored. Lastly, orthogonal colourings of product graphs and Hamming graphs are studied.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    A Fractional Analogue of Brooks' Theorem

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    Let Δ(G)\Delta(G) be the maximum degree of a graph GG. Brooks' theorem states that the only connected graphs with chromatic number χ(G)=Δ(G)+1\chi(G)=\Delta(G)+1 are complete graphs and odd cycles. We prove a fractional analogue of Brooks' theorem in this paper. Namely, we classify all connected graphs GG such that the fractional chromatic number χf(G)\chi_f(G) is at least Δ(G)\Delta(G). These graphs are complete graphs, odd cycles, C82C^2_8, C5K2C_5\boxtimes K_2, and graphs whose clique number ω(G)\omega(G) equals the maximum degree Δ(G)\Delta(G). Among the two sporadic graphs, the graph C82C^2_8 is the square graph of cycle C8C_8 while the other graph C5K2C_5\boxtimes K_2 is the strong product of C5C_5 and K2K_2. In fact, we prove a stronger result; if a connected graph GG with Δ(G)4\Delta(G)\geq 4 is not one of the graphs listed above, then we have χf(G)Δ(G)2/67\chi_f(G)\leq \Delta(G)- 2/67.Comment: Third version, add Andrew King as an coautho

    Strong edge coloring of Cayley graphs and some product graphs

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    A strong edge coloring of a graph GG is a proper edge coloring of GG such that every color class is an induced matching. The minimum number of colors required is termed the strong chromatic index. In this paper, we determine the exact value of the strong chromatic index of all unitary Cayley graphs. Our investigations reveal an underlying product structure from which the unitary Cayley graphs emerge. We then go on to give tight bounds for the strong chromatic index of the Cartesian product of two trees, including an exact formula for the product in the case of stars. Further, we give bounds for the strong chromatic index of the product of a tree with a cycle. For any tree, those bounds may differ from the actual value only by not more than a small additive constant (at most 2 for even cycles and at most 5 for odd cycles), moreover they yield the exact value when the length of the cycle is divisible by 44

    Coloring graphs using topology

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    Higher dimensional graphs can be used to colour two-dimensional geometric graphs. If G the boundary of a three dimensional graph H for example, we can refine the interior until it is colourable with 4 colours. The later goal is achieved if all interior edge degrees are even. Using a refinement process which cuts the interior along surfaces we can adapt the degrees along the boundary of that surface. More efficient is a self-cobordism of G with itself with a host graph discretizing the product of G with an interval. It follows from the fact that Euler curvature is zero everywhere for three dimensional geometric graphs, that the odd degree edge set O is a cycle and so a boundary if H is simply connected. A reduction to minimal colouring would imply the four colour theorem. The method is expected to give a reason "why 4 colours suffice" and suggests that every two dimensional geometric graph of arbitrary degree and orientation can be coloured by 5 colours: since the projective plane can not be a boundary of a 3-dimensional graph and because for higher genus surfaces, the interior H is not simply connected, we need in general to embed a surface into a 4-dimensional simply connected graph in order to colour it. This explains the appearance of the chromatic number 5 for higher degree or non-orientable situations, a number we believe to be the upper limit. For every surface type, we construct examples with chromatic number 3,4 or 5, where the construction of surfaces with chromatic number 5 is based on a method of Fisk. We have implemented and illustrated all the topological aspects described in this paper on a computer. So far we still need human guidance or simulated annealing to do the refinements in the higher dimensional host graph.Comment: 81 pages, 48 figure

    Equitable Colorings of Corona Multiproducts of Graphs

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    A graph is equitably kk-colorable if its vertices can be partitioned into kk independent sets in such a way that the number of vertices in any two sets differ by at most one. The smallest kk for which such a coloring exists is known as the equitable chromatic number of GG and denoted χ=(G)\chi_{=}(G). It is known that this problem is NP-hard in general case and remains so for corona graphs. In "Equitable colorings of Cartesian products of graphs" (2012) Lin and Chang studied equitable coloring of Cartesian products of graphs. In this paper we consider the same model of coloring in the case of corona products of graphs. In particular, we obtain some results regarding the equitable chromatic number for ll-corona product GlHG \circ ^l H, where GG is an equitably 3- or 4-colorable graph and HH is an rr-partite graph, a path, a cycle or a complete graph. Our proofs are constructive in that they lead to polynomial algorithms for equitable coloring of such graph products provided that there is given an equitable coloring of GG. Moreover, we confirm Equitable Coloring Conjecture for corona products of such graphs. This paper extends our results from \cite{hf}.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    An algebraic reduction of Hedetniemi's conjecture

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    For a graph GG, let χ(G)\chi (G) denote the chromatic number. In graph theory, the following famous conjecture posed by Hedetniemi has been studied: For two graphs GG and HH, χ(G×H)=min{χ(G),χ(H)}\chi (G\times H)=\min\{\chi (G),\chi (H)\}, where G×HG \times H is the tensor product of GG and HH. In this paper, we give a reduction of Hedetniemi's conjecture to an inclusion relation problem on ideals of polynomial rings, and we demonstrate computational experiments for partial solutions of Hedetniemi's conjecture along such a strategy using Gr\"{o}bner basis.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Prime Power and Prime Product Distance Graphs

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    A graph GG is a kk-prime product distance graph if its vertices can be labeled with distinct integers such that for any two adjacent vertices, the difference of their labels is the product of at most kk primes. A graph has prime product number ppn(G)=kppn(G)=k if it is a kk-prime product graph but not a (k1)(k-1)-prime product graph. Similarly, GG is a prime kkth-power graph (respectively, strict prime kkth-power graph) if its vertices can be labeled with distinct integers such that for any two adjacent vertices, the difference of their labels is the jjth power of a prime, for jkj \leq k (respectively, the kkth power of a prime exactly). We prove that ppn(Kn)=log2(n)1ppn(K_n) = \lceil \log_2(n)\rceil - 1, and for a nonempty kk-chromatic graph GG, ppn(G)=log2(k)1ppn(G) = \lceil \log_2(k)\rceil - 1 or ppn(G)=log2(k)ppn(G) = \lceil \log_2(k)\rceil. We determine ppn(G)ppn(G) for all complete bipartite, 3-partite, and 4-partite graphs. We prove that KnK_n is a prime kkth-power graph if and only if n<7n < 7, and we determine conditions on cycles and outerplanar graphs GG for which GG is a strict prime kkth-power graph. We find connections between prime product and prime power distance graphs and the Twin Prime Conjecture, the Green-Tao Theorem, and Fermat's Last Theorem

    Nested colourings of graphs

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    A proper vertex colouring of a graph is \emph{nested} if the vertices of each of its colour classes can be ordered by inclusion of their open neighbourhoods. Through a relation to partially ordered sets, we show that the nested chromatic number can be computed in polynomial time. Clearly, the nested chromatic number is an upper bound for the chromatic number of a graph. We develop multiple distinct bounds on the nested chromatic number using common properties of graphs. We also determine the behaviour of the nested chromatic number under several graph operations, including the direct, Cartesian, strong, and lexicographic product. Moreover, we classify precisely the possible nested chromatic numbers of graphs on a fixed number of vertices with a fixed chromatic number.Comment: 23 pages; 7 figure

    Hedetniemi's Conjecture Via Altermatic Number

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    A 5050 years unsolved conjecture by Hedetniemi [{\it Homomorphisms of graphs and automata, \newblock {\em Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Michigan}, 1966}] asserts that the chromatic number of the categorical product of two graphs GG and HH is min{χ(G),χ(H)}\min\{\chi(G),\chi(H)\}. The present authors [{\it On the chromatic number of general {K}neser hypergraphs. \newblock {\em Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B}, 2015.}] introduced the altermatic and the strong altermatic number of graphs as two tight lower bounds for the chromatic number of graphs. In this work, we prove a relaxation of Hedetniemi's conjecture in terms of strong altermatic number. Also, we present a tight lower bound for the chromatic number of the categorical product of two graphs in term of their altermatic and strong altermatic numbers. These results enrich the family of pair graphs {G,H}\{G,H\} satisfying Hedetniemi's conjecture

    The Thue choice number versus the Thue chromatic number of graphs

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    We say that a vertex colouring φ\varphi of a graph GG is nonrepetitive if there is no positive integer nn and a path on 2n2n vertices v1v2nv_{1}\ldots v_{2n} in GG such that the associated sequence of colours φ(v1)φ(v2n)\varphi(v_{1})\ldots\varphi(v_{2n}) satisfy φ(vi)=φ(vi+n)\varphi(v_{i})=\varphi(v_{i+n}) for all i=1,2,,ni=1,2,\dots,n. The minimum number of colours in a nonrepetitive vertex colouring of GG is the Thue chromatic number π(G)\pi (G). For the case of vertex list colourings the Thue choice number πl(G)\pi_{l}(G) of GG denotes the smallest integer kk such that for every list assignment L:V(G)2NL:V(G)\rightarrow 2^{\mathbb{N}} with minimum list length at least kk, there is a nonrepetitive vertex colouring of GG from the assigned lists. Recently it was proved that the Thue chromatic number and the Thue choice number of the same graph may have an arbitrary large difference in some classes of graphs. Here we give an overview of the known results where we compare these two parameters for several families of graphs and we also give a list of open problems on this topic