28 research outputs found

    The chromatic number of almost stable Kneser hypergraphs

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    Let V(n,k,s)V(n,k,s) be the set of kk-subsets SS of [n][n] such that for all i,jSi,j\in S, we have ijs|i-j|\geq s We define almost ss-stable Kneser hypergraph KGr([n]k)s-stabKG^r{{[n]}\choose k}_{s{\tiny{\textup{-stab}}}}^{\displaystyle\sim} to be the rr-uniform hypergraph whose vertex set is V(n,k,s)V(n,k,s) and whose edges are the rr-uples of disjoint elements of V(n,k,s)V(n,k,s). With the help of a ZpZ_p-Tucker lemma, we prove that, for pp prime and for any nkpn\geq kp, the chromatic number of almost 2-stable Kneser hypergraphs KGp([n]k)2-stabKG^p {{[n]}\choose k}_{2{\tiny{\textup{-stab}}}}^{\displaystyle\sim} is equal to the chromatic number of the usual Kneser hypergraphs KGp([n]k)KG^p{{[n]}\choose k}, namely that it is equal to n(k1)pp1.\lceil\frac{n-(k-1)p}{p-1}\rceil. Defining μ(r)\mu(r) to be the number of prime divisors of rr, counted with multiplicities, this result implies that the chromatic number of almost 2μ(r)2^{\mu(r)}-stable Kneser hypergraphs KGr([n]k)2μ(r)-stabKG^r{{[n]}\choose k}_{2^{\mu(r)}{\tiny{\textup{-stab}}}}^{\displaystyle\sim} is equal to the chromatic number of the usual Kneser hypergraphs KGr([n]k)KG^r{{[n]}\choose k} for any nkrn\geq kr, namely that it is equal to $\lceil\frac{n-(k-1)r}{r-1}\rceil.

    Choice number of Kneser graphs

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    In this short note, we show that for any ϵ>0\epsilon >0 and k<n0.5ϵk<n^{0.5-\epsilon} the choice number of the Kneser graph KGn,kKG_{n,k} is Θ(nlogn)\Theta (n\log n)