462 research outputs found

    Dynamic Metasystems for Information Systems Development

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    Dynamics in the use of metasystems in the development of information systems is discussed. An axiomatic level of specification is used to allow dynamic specification of median level metasystems which are, in turn, used in information systems specification, analysis and design. Existing metasystems are reviewed and principles for metasystem evaluation are considered The implementation and use of dynamic metasystems in the Plexsys system is overviewed The Plexsys system implements generalized integrity analysis at all levels of logic and mechanisms to insure the mutual integrity of these levels over time

    Framework For Improving Complex System Performance

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    This paper introduces a framework for improvement of complex system performance. Complex systems are besieged with conditions marked by increasing uncertainty, emergence, and ambiguity. Additionally, demands for increased productivity, resource efficiencies, and performance improvement make new approaches paramount for modern systems engineers. In response, a framework to improve complex system performance is developed. Following an introduction, the paper pursues four objectives: (1) introduction of Complex System Governance (CSG) as a foundation to describe essential system functions, (2) suggest system `pathologies\u27 as an explanation for deep system performance issues, (3) exploration of system performance improvement as a function of `requisite variety\u27 to compensate for deep system issues, and (4) introduce a framework for complex system performance improvement using system pathologies as `unab-sorbed variety\u27. The paper closes with some challenges for further development of the framework for deployment and application guidance for practitioners

    Contextual Framework of Communications Functions Supporting Complex System Governance

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a systems theory-based contextual framework of communication functions supporting complex system governance using an inductive research design. Communication, as one aspect of Management Cybernetics (communication and control for effective system organization) constructed of channels of communication, provides for the movement of information internally and externally for a system. This flow reflecting new information, decisions, questions, and intelligence is critical for viability of a system. This research looked for communication mechanisms as developed in system theory, communication theory, management theory, and organizational theory. The literature indicates the importance of communications, but a systemic perspective of communication mechanisms and an effect on the viability of a system are not described. This gap in knowledge was addressed by this research. Specifically, the research looked at the description and system functions serviced by the development of content that flows through the channels of communication. The extensive use of grounded theory method enabled a rigorous inductive analysis of literature dealing with channels of communication. The research produced a construct of communication mechanisms that consists of an integrated grouping of the concepts; Direction, Mode, Product, and Technology (Conveyance). A communication design when developed and/or maintained suggests the communication mechanisms are subject to underlying influences; Identity (motive/intent), Variety Attenuation, Variety Amplification, and Transduction that must be recognized with respect to how Channels of Communication support the viability of the system of interest. While system emergence was not directly related to the Communication Mechanism, the role of Channels of Communication in system emergence is evident as the conduit for the emergence process. Identification of the communication functions means that communication mechanisms, beyond the identification provided by Beer (1979) and Shannon (1948) can be described based in systems theory, communication theory, management theory, knowledge management, and organizational theory. From this construct, a face validation in the form of a survey was conducted. The content of the questionnaire was aligned to the communication mechanisms with the intent to support triangulation. There was peer validation of the questions to the subject of communication, for ease of use and exclusion of private personal information. This was followed by a test run of the survey. The actual accomplishment of the survey was through a web service. This research provides a theoretical construct of communication mechanisms when viewing a system of interest to determining the state of the system channels of communication

    Analysis of Windows Cardspace Identity Management System

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    The Internet, which was originally developed for academic purposes, has expanded and been applied to commercial and business enterprises. It is possible to purchase airline tickets, check bank balances and communicate through e-mail with each other through the Internet. These services can all be performed relatively easily with the proliferation of Internet Service Providers and the lower cost of Personal Computers. The development of the Internet has also had a huge impact on businesses with the growth of e-commerce, e-banking and the tremendous growth in email traffic. There is however a negative impact to this development of the Internet with the rise in on-line criminal activity. The increasing use of the Internet has resulted in the development of on-line identities for users. There can be a great deal of sensitive and personal information associated with an on-line identity and gaining access to these privileges can provide cyber criminals with access to personal resources such as bank account details, credit card information etc. This type of activity has given rise to the term identity theft . This project will present an introduction to Microsoft Cardspace and how it relates to dealing with identity theft, the theory behind the application and present practical demonstrations of how the technology can be implemented using Microsoft© .NET framework technology

    Systems Theory Based Architecture Framework for Complex System Governance

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a systems theory based framework for complex system governance using grounded theory approach. Motivation for this research includes: 1) the lack of research that identifies modeling characteristics for complex system governance, 2) the lack of a framework rooted in systems theory to support performance of complex system governance functions for maintaining system viability. This research focused on answering: What systems theoretic framework can be developed to inform complex system governance and enable articulation of governance function performance? The grounded theory research approach utilized three phases. First, the literature in systems theory, management cybernetics, governance and enterprise architecture was synthesized and open-coded to generalize main themes using broad analysis in NVivo software, researcher note taking in EndNote, and cataloging in Excel spreadsheets. Second, the literature underwent axial-coding to identify interconnections and relevance to systems theory and complex system governance, primarily using Excel spreadsheets. Finally, selective coding and interrelationships were identified and the complex system governance architecture framework was shaped, reviewed, and validated by qualified experts. This research examined a grounded theory approach not traditionally used in systems theory research. It produced a useful systems theory based framework for practical application, bridging the gap between theory and practice in the emerging field of complex system governance. Theoretical implications of this research include identifying the state of knowledge in each literature domain and the production of a unique framework for performing metasystem governance functions that is analytically generalizable. Management cybernetics, governance, and systems theory are expanded through a testable tool for meta-level organizational and system governance theories. Enterprise architecture is advanced with a multi-disciplinary framework that coherently presents and facilitates new use for architecture at the metasystem level. Methodological implications of this research include using grounded theory approach for systems theory research, where it is atypical. Although a non-traditional method, it provides an example for conducting fruitful research that can contribute knowledge. Practical implications of this research include a useable framework for complex system governance which has never before existed and a living structure adaptable to evolutionary change coming from any related domain or future practical application feedback

    Complex System Governance Leadership

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a systems theory-based framework for leadership in governance of complex systems. Recognizing complexity and uncertainty as norms for the environments in which organizations exist encouraged researchers to suggest complexity theory, complex systems, and complex adaptive systems as appropriate for addressing these conditions. Complex System Governance (CSG), based in systems theory, management cybernetics, and governance, endeavors to provide for the design, execution and evolution of functions that provide control, communication, coordination, and integration at the metasystem level to support operations and continued system existence (viability). From a management cybernetics perspective, CSG leadership has a role in the design of the metasystem that provides governance functions for a complex system. Similarly, leadership assures the existence of conditions necessary for the requisite metasystem functions to be enabled, executed, and evolved sufficiently for continued system viability. In this research, CSG leadership functions were examined from a system theoretic perspective. An extensive body of leadership literature provides insight into leadership from a number of perspectives including leadership as personal traits, leadership as a set of skills, or leadership as a process or relationship. Systems theory conceptual foundations applied to CSG leadership functions are not represented in this literature thus resulting in a gap. This research contributes to addressing that gap by linking systems theory to leadership functions for CSG. The research was a journey of discovery with no pre-established hypotheses that could be tested using deductive approaches, therefore, an inductive approach supportive of exploring, understanding (gaining insight) and discovery was employed. As the purpose was to develop a systems theory-based framework for leadership in governance of complex systems, theory construction was required. As a recognized methodology to discover theory from data, Grounded Theory was chosen as the research methodology. The framework that resulted from this research presents a novel contribution to CSG leadership that is grounded in systems theory and management cybernetics. It also provides practitioners the opportunity to develop novel approaches for facilitating anticipation, identification, and remediation of leadership issues