408 research outputs found

    Multi-Step Knowledge-Aided Iterative ESPRIT for Direction Finding

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    In this work, we propose a subspace-based algorithm for DOA estimation which iteratively reduces the disturbance factors of the estimated data covariance matrix and incorporates prior knowledge which is gradually obtained on line. An analysis of the MSE of the reshaped data covariance matrix is carried out along with comparisons between computational complexities of the proposed and existing algorithms. Simulations focusing on closely-spaced sources, where they are uncorrelated and correlated, illustrate the improvements achieved.Comment: 7 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.1052

    DOA Estimation for Hybrid Massive MIMO Systems using Mixed-ADCs: Performance Loss and Energy Efficiency

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    Due to the power consumption and high circuit cost in antenna arrays, the practical application of massive multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) in the sixth generation (6G) and future wireless networks is still challenging. Employing lowresolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and hybrid analog and digital (HAD) structure is two low-cost choice with acceptable performance loss. In this paper, the combination of the mixedADC architecture and HAD structure employed at receiver is proposed for direction of arrival (DOA) estimation, which will be applied to the beamforming tracking and alignment in 6G. By adopting the additive quantization noise model, the exact closedform expression of the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for the HAD architecture with mixed-ADCs is derived. Moreover, the closed-form expression of the performance loss factor is derived as a benchmark. In addition, to take power consumption into account, energy efficiency is also investigated in our paper. The numerical results reveal that the HAD structure with mixedADCs can significantly reduce the power consumption and hardware cost. Furthermore, that architecture is able to achieve a better trade-off between the performance loss and the power consumption. Finally, adopting 2-4 bits of resolution may be a good choice in practical massive MIMO systems.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    R-dimensional ESPRIT-type algorithms for strictly second-order non-circular sources and their performance analysis

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    High-resolution parameter estimation algorithms designed to exploit the prior knowledge about incident signals from strictly second-order (SO) non-circular (NC) sources allow for a lower estimation error and can resolve twice as many sources. In this paper, we derive the R-D NC Standard ESPRIT and the R-D NC Unitary ESPRIT algorithms that provide a significantly better performance compared to their original versions for arbitrary source signals. They are applicable to shift-invariant R-D antenna arrays and do not require a centrosymmetric array structure. Moreover, we present a first-order asymptotic performance analysis of the proposed algorithms, which is based on the error in the signal subspace estimate arising from the noise perturbation. The derived expressions for the resulting parameter estimation error are explicit in the noise realizations and asymptotic in the effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), i.e., the results become exact for either high SNRs or a large sample size. We also provide mean squared error (MSE) expressions, where only the assumptions of a zero mean and finite SO moments of the noise are required, but no assumptions about its statistics are necessary. As a main result, we analytically prove that the asymptotic performance of both R-D NC ESPRIT-type algorithms is identical in the high effective SNR regime. Finally, a case study shows that no improvement from strictly non-circular sources can be achieved in the special case of a single source.Comment: accepted at IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 15 pages, 6 figure

    Performance Analysis of Integrated Sensing and Communications Under Gain-Phase Imperfections

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    This paper evaluates the performance of uplink integrated sensing and communication systems in the presence of gain and phase imperfections. Specifically, we consider multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) transmitting data to a multiple-input-multiple-output base-station (BS) that is responsible for estimating the transmitted information in addition to localising the transmitting UAVs. The signal processing at the BS is divided into two consecutive stages: localisation and communication. A maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm is introduced for the localisation stage to jointly estimate the azimuth-elevation angles and Doppler frequency of the UAVs under gain-phase defects, which are then compared to the estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) and multiple signal classification (MUSIC). Furthermore, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is derived to evaluate the asymptotic performance and quantify the influence of the gain-phase imperfections which are modelled using Rician and von Mises distributions, respectively. Thereafter, in the communication stage, the location parameters estimated in the first stage are employed to estimate the communication channels which are fed into a maximum ratio combiner to preprocess the received communication signal. An accurate closed-form approximation of the achievable average sum data rate (SDR) for all UAVs is derived. The obtained results show that gain-phase imperfections have a significant influence on both localisation and communication, however, the proposed ML is less sensitive when compared to other algorithms. The derived analysis is concurred with simulations.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figure

    Augmented Multi-Subarray Dilated Nested Array with Enhanced Degrees of Freedom and Reduced Mutual Coupling

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    Sparse linear arrays (SLAs) can be designed in a systematic way, with the ability for underdetermined DOA estimation where a greater number of sources can be detected than that of sensors. In this paper, as the first stage, a new systematic design named multi-subarray dilated nested array (MDNA), whose difference co-array (DCA) can be proved to be hole-free, is firstly proposed by introducing a sparse ULA and multiple identical dense ULAs with appropriate sub-ULA spacings. The MDNA will degenerate into the nested array under specific conditions, and the uniform degrees of freedom (uDOFs) of MDNA is larger than that of its parent nested array. On the basis of MDNA, to reduce the mutual coupling effect, an augmented multi-subarray dilated nested array (AMDNA) is constructed by migrating some elements of the dense segments of MDNA, without reducing the number of uDOFs. Several theoretical properties of the proposed array structures are proved, and simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed AMDNA over some existing sparse arrays
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