1,135 research outputs found

    Communication over an Arbitrarily Varying Channel under a State-Myopic Encoder

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    We study the problem of communication over a discrete arbitrarily varying channel (AVC) when a noisy version of the state is known non-causally at the encoder. The state is chosen by an adversary which knows the coding scheme. A state-myopic encoder observes this state non-causally, though imperfectly, through a noisy discrete memoryless channel (DMC). We first characterize the capacity of this state-dependent channel when the encoder-decoder share randomness unknown to the adversary, i.e., the randomized coding capacity. Next, we show that when only the encoder is allowed to randomize, the capacity remains unchanged when positive. Interesting and well-known special cases of the state-myopic encoder model are also presented.Comment: 16 page

    The Arbitrarily Varying Broadcast Channel with Degraded Message Sets with Causal Side Information at the Encoder

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    In this work, we study the arbitrarily varying broadcast channel (AVBC), when state information is available at the transmitter in a causal manner. We establish inner and outer bounds on both the random code capacity region and the deterministic code capacity region with degraded message sets. The capacity region is then determined for a class of channels satisfying a condition on the mutual informations between the strategy variables and the channel outputs. As an example, we consider the arbitrarily varying binary symmetric broadcast channel with correlated noises. We show cases where the condition holds, hence the capacity region is determined, and other cases where there is a gap between the bounds.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1701.0334

    Multiaccess Channels with State Known to Some Encoders and Independent Messages

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    We consider a state-dependent multiaccess channel (MAC) with state non-causally known to some encoders. We derive an inner bound for the capacity region in the general discrete memoryless case and specialize to a binary noiseless case. In the case of maximum entropy channel state, we obtain the capacity region for binary noiseless MAC with one informed encoder by deriving a non-trivial outer bound for this case. For a Gaussian state-dependent MAC with one encoder being informed of the channel state, we present an inner bound by applying a slightly generalized dirty paper coding (GDPC) at the informed encoder that allows for partial state cancellation, and a trivial outer bound by providing channel state to the decoder also. The uninformed encoders benefit from the state cancellation in terms of achievable rates, however, appears that GDPC cannot completely eliminate the effect of the channel state on the achievable rate region, in contrast to the case of all encoders being informed. In the case of infinite state variance, we analyze how the uninformed encoder benefits from the informed encoder's actions using the inner bound and also provide a non-trivial outer bound for this case which is better than the trivial outer bound.Comment: Accepted to EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communication and Networking, Feb. 200

    Capacity Region of Finite State Multiple-Access Channel with Delayed State Information at the Transmitters

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    A single-letter characterization is provided for the capacity region of finite-state multiple access channels. The channel state is a Markov process, the transmitters have access to delayed state information, and channel state information is available at the receiver. The delays of the channel state information are assumed to be asymmetric at the transmitters. We apply the result to obtain the capacity region for a finite-state Gaussian MAC, and for a finite-state multiple-access fading channel. We derive power control strategies that maximize the capacity region for these channels

    On AVCs with Quadratic Constraints

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    In this work we study an Arbitrarily Varying Channel (AVC) with quadratic power constraints on the transmitter and a so-called "oblivious" jammer (along with additional AWGN) under a maximum probability of error criterion, and no private randomness between the transmitter and the receiver. This is in contrast to similar AVC models under the average probability of error criterion considered in [1], and models wherein common randomness is allowed [2] -- these distinctions are important in some communication scenarios outlined below. We consider the regime where the jammer's power constraint is smaller than the transmitter's power constraint (in the other regime it is known no positive rate is possible). For this regime we show the existence of stochastic codes (with no common randomness between the transmitter and receiver) that enables reliable communication at the same rate as when the jammer is replaced with AWGN with the same power constraint. This matches known information-theoretic outer bounds. In addition to being a stronger result than that in [1] (enabling recovery of the results therein), our proof techniques are also somewhat more direct, and hence may be of independent interest.Comment: A shorter version of this work will be send to ISIT13, Istanbul. 8 pages, 3 figure

    The benefit of a 1-bit jump-start, and the necessity of stochastic encoding, in jamming channels

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    We consider the problem of communicating a message mm in the presence of a malicious jamming adversary (Calvin), who can erase an arbitrary set of up to pnpn bits, out of nn transmitted bits (x1,…,xn)(x_1,\ldots,x_n). The capacity of such a channel when Calvin is exactly causal, i.e. Calvin's decision of whether or not to erase bit xix_i depends on his observations (x1,…,xi)(x_1,\ldots,x_i) was recently characterized to be 1βˆ’2p1-2p. In this work we show two (perhaps) surprising phenomena. Firstly, we demonstrate via a novel code construction that if Calvin is delayed by even a single bit, i.e. Calvin's decision of whether or not to erase bit xix_i depends only on (x1,…,xiβˆ’1)(x_1,\ldots,x_{i-1}) (and is independent of the "current bit" xix_i) then the capacity increases to 1βˆ’p1-p when the encoder is allowed to be stochastic. Secondly, we show via a novel jamming strategy for Calvin that, in the single-bit-delay setting, if the encoding is deterministic (i.e. the transmitted codeword is a deterministic function of the message mm) then no rate asymptotically larger than 1βˆ’2p1-2p is possible with vanishing probability of error, hence stochastic encoding (using private randomness at the encoder) is essential to achieve the capacity of 1βˆ’p1-p against a one-bit-delayed Calvin.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, extended draft of submission to ISIT 201
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