11,688 research outputs found

    Approximation bounds on maximum edge 2-coloring of dense graphs

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    For a graph GG and integer q≥2q\geq 2, an edge qq-coloring of GG is an assignment of colors to edges of GG, such that edges incident on a vertex span at most qq distinct colors. The maximum edge qq-coloring problem seeks to maximize the number of colors in an edge qq-coloring of a graph GG. The problem has been studied in combinatorics in the context of {\em anti-Ramsey} numbers. Algorithmically, the problem is NP-Hard for q≥2q\geq 2 and assuming the unique games conjecture, it cannot be approximated in polynomial time to a factor less than 1+1/q1+1/q. The case q=2q=2, is particularly relevant in practice, and has been well studied from the view point of approximation algorithms. A 22-factor algorithm is known for general graphs, and recently a 5/35/3-factor approximation bound was shown for graphs with perfect matching. The algorithm (which we refer to as the matching based algorithm) is as follows: "Find a maximum matching MM of GG. Give distinct colors to the edges of MM. Let C1,C2,…,CtC_1,C_2,\ldots, C_t be the connected components that results when M is removed from G. To all edges of CiC_i give the (∣M∣+i)(|M|+i)th color." In this paper, we first show that the approximation guarantee of the matching based algorithm is (1+2δ)(1 + \frac {2} {\delta}) for graphs with perfect matching and minimum degree δ\delta. For δ≥4\delta \ge 4, this is better than the 53\frac {5} {3} approximation guarantee proved in {AAAP}. For triangle free graphs with perfect matching, we prove that the approximation factor is (1+1δ−1)(1 + \frac {1}{\delta - 1}), which is better than 5/35/3 for δ≥3\delta \ge 3.Comment: 11pages, 3 figure

    Anti-Ramsey numbers of small graphs

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    The anti-Ramsey number AR(n,GAR(n,G), for a graph GG and an integer n≥∣V(G)∣n\geq|V(G)|, is defined to be the minimal integer rr such that in any edge-colouring of KnK_n by at least rr colours there is a multicoloured copy of GG, namely, a copy of GG whose edges have distinct colours. In this paper we determine the anti-Ramsey numbers of all graphs having at most four edges
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