59 research outputs found

    Evaluation of recommender systems in streaming environments

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    Evaluation of recommender systems is typically done with finite datasets. This means that conventional evaluation methodologies are only applicable in offline experiments, where data and models are stationary. However, in real world systems, user feedback is continuously generated, at unpredictable rates. Given this setting, one important issue is how to evaluate algorithms in such a streaming data environment. In this paper we propose a prequential evaluation protocol for recommender systems, suitable for streaming data environments, but also applicable in stationary settings. Using this protocol we are able to monitor the evolution of algorithms' accuracy over time. Furthermore, we are able to perform reliable comparative assessments of algorithms by computing significance tests over a sliding window. We argue that besides being suitable for streaming data, prequential evaluation allows the detection of phenomena that would otherwise remain unnoticed in the evaluation of both offline and online recommender systems.Comment: Workshop on 'Recommender Systems Evaluation: Dimensions and Design' (REDD 2014), held in conjunction with RecSys 2014. October 10, 2014, Silicon Valley, United State

    Synthetic sequence generator for recommender systems - memory biased random walk on sequence multilayer network

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    Personalized recommender systems rely on each user's personal usage data in the system, in order to assist in decision making. However, privacy policies protecting users' rights prevent these highly personal data from being publicly available to a wider researcher audience. In this work, we propose a memory biased random walk model on multilayer sequence network, as a generator of synthetic sequential data for recommender systems. We demonstrate the applicability of the synthetic data in training recommender system models for cases when privacy policies restrict clickstream publishing.Comment: The new updated version of the pape

    Report on RecSys 2015 Workshop on New Trends in Content-Based Recommender Systems (CBRecSys 2015)

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    This article reports on the CBRecSys 2015 workshop, the second edition of the workshop on new trends in content-based recommender systems, co-located with RecSys 2015 in Vienna, Austria. Content-based recommendation has been applied successfully in many different domains, but it has not seen the same level of attention as collaborative filtering techniques have. Nevertheless, there are many recommendation domains and applications where content and metadata play a key role, either in addition to or instead of ratings and implicit usage data. The CBRecSys workshop series provides a dedicated venue for work dedicated to all aspects of content-based recommender systems.</jats:p

    A large multilingual and multi-domain dataset for recommender systems

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    This paper presents a multi-domain interests dataset to train and test Recommender Systems, and the methodology to create the dataset from Twitter messages in English and Italian. The English dataset includes an average of 90 preferences per user on music, books, movies, celebrities, sport, politics and much more, for about half million users. Preferences are either extracted from messages of users who use Spotify, Goodreads and other similar content sharing platforms, or induced from their ”topical” friends, i.e., followees representing an interest rather than a social relation between peers. In addition, preferred items are matched with Wikipedia articles describing them. This unique feature of our dataset provides a mean to derive a semantic categorization of the preferred items, exploiting available semantic resources linked to Wikipedia such as the Wikipedia Category Graph, DBpedia, BabelNet and others

    Feature-Based Matrix Factorization

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    Recommender system has been more and more popular and widely used in many applications recently. The increasing information available, not only in quantities but also in types, leads to a big challenge for recommender system that how to leverage these rich information to get a better performance. Most traditional approaches try to design a specific model for each scenario, which demands great efforts in developing and modifying models. In this technical report, we describe our implementation of feature-based matrix factorization. This model is an abstract of many variants of matrix factorization models, and new types of information can be utilized by simply defining new features, without modifying any lines of code. Using the toolkit, we built the best single model reported on track 1 of KDDCup'11.Comment: Minor update, add some related work