116,394 research outputs found

    Should It Stay or Should It Go?: Exploring the potential for structural reform in Milwaukee County government

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    Milwaukee County government faces immediate and substantial fiscal and programmatic challenges. The county's structural deficit -- defined as the gap between expenditure needs and anticipated revenues -- is projected to grow from 48millionin2011tomorethan48 million in 2011 to more than 106 million by 2014, despite several successive years of significant expenditure and staff reductions and anticipation of significant wage and benefit concessions in 2010. This projection is the clearest indication yet that the county's finances are crumbling and that valued services in areas like parks, transit, mental health and public safety face severe degradation without prompt and concerted action. This action could take any of several forms, including the complete elimination of Milwaukee County government. This report, commissioned by the Greater Milwaukee Committee, provides detailed analysis and perspective on the complex issues surrounding that option, as well as other potential structural changes

    Are Peer Effects Present in Residential Solar Installations? Evidence from Minnesota and Wisconsin

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    There are geographic differences in the rate of adoption of residential photovoltaic (PV) solar. Are adoption rates in small scale localities (counties and zip codes) influenced by previous, nearby adoptions? This paper adds to the literature on Peer Effects with an analysis of Minnesota and Wisconsin zip codes. I use residential adoption data from the OpenPV Project in an empirical analysis of social interactions. My findings indicate that there is a small but significant effect of nearby adoptions at the zip code level. These peer effects are shown to be nuanced by policy incentives such as the XCEL Solar Rewards Program. I additionally engage in a case study analysis of the relationship of some localities

    Anatomy of a Community-Level Fiscal Impact Model: FIT-4-NH.

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    Abstract: This paper describes the development of a fiscal impact tool for New Hampshire communities (HT -4-NH). FIT -4-NH belongs to a family of computergenerated fiscal impact assessment models designed to estimate the impacts to local government revenues and expenditures that result from economic changes. In the past, work in this area has centered on the completion of countylevel models for the midwestern states. FIT-4-NH is unique in that it was designed for rural community-level use in the northern New England region of the country

    Public Financing of Elections After Citizens United and Arizona Free Enterprise

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    Based on political contribution records from six Midwestern states, compares the projected impact of providing small-donor public matching funds to that of lowering contribution limits on election participation by a diverse mix of donors

    The High Cost of Wisconsin's Dropout Rate

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    Outlines the scope of the high school dropout problem in Wisconsin and dropouts' risk of unemployment, health problems, and incarceration. Estimates costs to the state through reduced tax revenues, increased Medicaid costs, and high incarceration rates

    Joyce Foundation - 2004 Annual Report

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    Contains president's message, program information, project summaries, grantee profiles, grants list, financial statements, and list of board members and staff

    State Sales and Use Taxation in Interstate Commerce: Congress Makes Some Suggestions

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    This note examines critically the recommendations of the Special Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee on State Sales and Use Taxation, and the resultant bill proposed to Congress

    Welfare to Work in the US: A Model for Germany?

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    Social assistance in Germany reduces the incentive to work. TheU. S. Welfare to Work Programme tries to avoid such disincentives. It consists essentially of two elements: the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for employees in low wage occupations and a Workfare model. The EITC and the Workfare model as implemented in the State of Wisconsin are described andanalysed. Conclusions for welfare reform in Germany are drawn.

    The Economic Impact of Immigration on Green Bay

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    Analyzes current and projected demographic changes and the impact of growing immigration -- especially of Hispanics/Latinos, both legal and illegal -- on state and local finances, the Green Bay area's economy, and labor and wage conditions

    Improving Access to Apprenticeship: Strengthening State Policies and Practices

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    Describes state efforts to expand the apprenticeship model through outreach, recruitment, and subsidies to strengthen labor market-based education and skills development strategies. Discusses obstacles, lessons learned from states, and recommendations
